Tag: Greece

Galavanting through Greece

Why is galavanting so fun to say? And even more fun to do? I DON’T KNOW, but I sure am thankful I get to do and say it. And, that I got to do it through Greece with Kyle for ~Part 2~ of our honeymoon. We were coming from an amazing time in Croatia and Greece had a lot to live up to. ...

8 Surprising Facts about the Parthenon, Greece

Built between 447 and 432 B.C., during the height of the ancient Greek Empire, the Parthenon is a magnificent marble temple. The Parthenon, a temple complex dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, is perched atop the Acropolis in Athens. The Greek mainland had never seen a temple as enormous and extr...

Attacked by Dogs in Greece

It was around midnight in Athens. We had just gone to eat with a Dutch friend and decided to go home walking through Filopappou Hill. The night was pleasant. 20°C and the park was quiet. In the darkness, we could not see much. Only the moon in the clear sky was illuminating our path....

Is It Really That Bad to Live in Greece As an Expat?

Recently, in an article published by Quartz, including last research of Expat insider. Research exposing Greece as the worst country to live in as an expat. Greece has achieved this (dis)honorable distinction for four consecutive years. Expat Insider claims to be one of the largest surveys w...

10 reasons to live in Athens, Greece

Greece is in fact a blessed country for the weather that it has. The only thing that I would change would be to add some humidity in the air, since sometimes it is so dry that it causes irritations. Other than that, the seasons are very well defined and never reach extremes. Of course in the North i...

Peripéteies in Greece — Week 74

We were walking through the city yesterday and I said to Karina, “Wow, I can’t believe the only photos I’ve taken this week are of the meal we had on Monday, what have we even done!” It’s been that kind of week really, the weather’s cold (under 5C), it’s bee...

Athens and Corfu Greece Review

How This Athens Review Came to Be Earlier this year (2021) my brother and I took a trip to Greece. We visited Athens and Corfu while there. I figured I would give you my Athens review and also opinions on Corfu, Greece as well. So, here is a very simple and fast break down for all of you. Also, b...

Gluten-free Athens, Greece

In General What do you wanna hear first? The good or the bad? The bad — overall, restaurants didn’t give me the impression they have much knowledge about gluten. The good — you can still eat because the greek cuisine isn’t based around gluten anyway. Just ask for the...

Peripéteies in Greece — Week 58

We spent the start of the week at Kyparrisi, a small tourist town with a stunning beach, crystal clear water, no ferry and almost no tourists. We chose to anchor out again and enjoyed a peaceful couple of days relaxing and swimming. Rosie has come to very strongly associate the tender and the pad...

Greece and the pandemic: health system collapsed, media silenced, artists on hold

“No one will stop me from going to Crete during the Easter holidays,” the sister of the Greek prime minister, MP and former minister Dora Bakojanis said in an interview with television station SKAI. When asked by a reporter if this was the case for all citizens, she added: ‘God ...

Peripéteies in Greece — Week 53

Consider this week an intermission from boat related updates. OK, sure, there’s one small one, but MOST of this post is about our visit to Edinburgh. Our daughter Ella has been “stuck” in Edinburgh due to covid travel restrictions, first preventing her from returning to the US and ...

Why “Pedophilia” Was So Normalized in Ancient Greece

Ifyou’ve spent any time on the internet, you’ve probably heard some disturbing justifications for pedophilia. Some claim it’s just another “sexual orientation” that deserves to be added to the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Others claim that it’s a harmless sourc...

Greece The First Stop

I had not yet dared to pick a route for our journey. Too many factors still in the air. Too much time until we set out. If you haven’t read about us yet, we are planning to travel the world for several years starting in 2025. Despite the name of “circumnavigate” conjuring up ima...

Egypt in Greece

The relationship between ancient Egypt and Greece can be traced back to the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations, which acted as intermediaries in the cultural and trade exchanges between these two great ancient powers. The Minoans, flourishing on the island of Crete, and the Mycenaeans on mainland...

A Lair Guarded by Medusa Far From Greece Blurs Myth And History

Sometimes, there’s a fine line between myth and history. For instance, the city of Troy was once considered a legend because it was part of Homer’s epic, the Iliad, until the ruins of the city were discovered in the late 1800s by archeologists. Greeks of the Archai...