Athens and Corfu Greece Review

<h1>How This Athens Review Came to Be</h1> <p>Earlier this year (2021) my brother and I took a trip to Greece. We visited Athens and Corfu while there. I figured I would give you my Athens review and also opinions on Corfu, Greece as well. So, here is a very simple and fast break down for all of you. Also, be sure to click the banner to get your next travel for a whole lot lower cost. Cheap travel is good travel, don&rsquo;t you agree? You will find the button for that just under the video slideshow of photos I took in Greece.</p> <h1>My Flight to Athens</h1> <p>My flight to Athens was actually a pretty easy one. I started from Southeastern Georgia here in the states. From there I had to fly into Atlanta and then on to Newark, NJ. All together was about a four hour flight. Wasn&rsquo;t bad, really. There, I met up with my brother and we ended up having to wait for several hours before the plane took off. I didn&rsquo;t mind though; gave us time to catch up and stretch our legs before the longer flight.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Greece Review