Tag: GitHub

Top 10 Best Open Source Projects on GitHub 2023

Open Source Software (OSS) has revolutionized the way software development is done today. With millions of Open Source GitHub projects available, it can be overwhelming to navigate and find the best open-source projects that match your needs. This article lists the top 10 fastest growin...

How To Build, Sign And Publish Android Application Using Github Actions

The main goal of this article is to provide a complete implementation of a Github Workflow capable of securely building, signing, and publishing Android apps. Follow these steps to create the Github Workflow: 1. Generate a new signing keystore 2. Add the following secret...

My Transformative LGMVIP Internship Journey: Unlocking New Skills and Experiences

I recently had an incredible internship experience with LGMVIP, a prestigious program offered by LetsGrowMore (LGM). Throughout my internship, I gained valuable skills, worked on interesting projects, and connected with a supportive community of learners. In this blog post, I’ll shar...

Research: quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness.

When it comes to measuring developer productivity, there is little consensus and there are far more questions than answers. The ability to stay focused on the task at hand, make meaningful progress, and feel good at the end of a day’s work make a real difference in developers’ satisfa...

5 Awesome Rust Projects: Scalable Databases and Remote Desktops

Programmers choose Rust for its memory safety guarantees and fearless concurrency, enabling them to write efficient and reliable code without sacrificing performance. It also boasts a vibrant community and an extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Polars The ability to process an...

The Thievery of GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot intentionally severs the relationship between creator and creation. This purposefully, yet painstaking act is accomplished by 1) stripping the humanity that’s uniquely part of the creator to make the creation and then 2) monetizing the creation immediately. Expedi...

Version Control: A Beginner’s Guide to Git and GitHub

Have you ever opened an app on your phone and received a prompt to update to a new version? These prompts most likely direct you towards an app store where you then download the latest version. As you download the new version, you might notice a new layout, button, or piece of functionality. In soft...

Handling Class Libraries in Node.js (With and Without TypeScript)

I’m mad at node libraries, and I’m just not going to take it anymore! I’ve committed a lot of attention to Node.js and TypeScript over the last couple of years; I even built a startup with React and Express on it. In a lot of other languages creating a library is as simple as in...

How to Upload Code to GitHub : A Step-by-Step Guide

Tables of Contents Introduction to GitHub Setting Up Your GitHub Account 2.1 Create a GitHub Account 2.2 Creating Your First Repository Git : Local Setup 3.1 Installing Git 3.2 Verifying Git Installation 3.3 Configuring Git Connecting and Uploading Your Code 4.1 Adding and Co...

How to Auth Login with GitHub and Google in a React and Backend App

As programmers, we have probably needed to implement social media login at some point and, this is an increasingly common functionality in today’s applications and websites. Social login allows users to log in to applications or websites using their accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitte...

How to Create a Publication-Quality Heatmap in Python

Heatmaps can be used as informative figures to convey quantitative data. They can be used to convey data in an easy-to-read format providing a concise data summary. Python has a number of tools to facilitate the production of publication quality heatmaps. These include the Seaborn and Matplotlib ...

Through the Ages: Apple Animation APIs

I recently stumbled upon John Siracusa’s legendary Mac OS X reviews for the first time. If you’re not in the loop, these were astonishingly detailed technical reviews of Apple’s major Mac OS X releases between 1999 and 2014. According to Ars Technica, where these were publi...

Creating your first AI app

This article will guide you through creating your first application that uses AI, to see just how simple yet powerful it is. We will create an application that takes user input and generates a short poem using that input. Without AI, this would be a very complex task. For this article we&rsquo...

GitHub Copilot is Code Cloning 2.0

The coding community loves one thing overwhelmingly, but begrudgingly admits: a shortcut. The shortcuts show up as object, function and variable naming schemes and conventions. The shortcuts show up as time complexity optimization hacks. Or the shortcut shows up as a beta software product or platfor...

Introduction to Weight Quantization

Large Language Models (LLMs) are known for their extensive computational requirements. Typically, the size of a model is calculated by multiplying the number of parameters (size) by the precision of these values (data type). However, to save memory, weights can be stored using lower-precision data t...

4-bit Quantization with GPTQ

Recent advancements in weight quantization allow us to run massive large language models on consumer hardware, like a LLaMA-30B model on an RTX 3090 GPU. This is possible thanks to novel 4-bit quantization techniques with minimal performance degradation, like GPTQ, GGML, and NF4. I...

Vulnerability in GitHub Exposed Thousands of Repositories to Repojacking Attacks: What You Need to Know

Introduction Collaboration and open-source sharing are at the heart of innovation in the field of software development. Platforms such as GitHub have evolved into important centres for developers to exchange code, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the worldwide coding community. The rece...

How to use Git and Github with your Unity Project — Complete Guide

As a Game dev you might someday need to share your project with the general audience or collaborate with your game partner or if you are working with a client to do his project then you would need a version control system. There is a Unity official Version Control but that is expensive while Gihu...

How To Add An Existing Unity Project To Github

First you need to create a repository on GitHub. Name it whatever you like and give it a description. See my example below: Upload Existing Project To Newly Created Repo Navigate to your directory on your computer using the console (I use Git Bash). You would use the command line to c...

GitHub Actions: Netflix Deployment Powered by DevSecOps

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, automation is the name of the game. GitHub Actions is the ace up the sleeve of modern developers, enabling them to streamline their daily workflows in practical and impactful ways. In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Actions is m...

Build & Push Docker Image to AWS ECR using GitHub Actions

In this blog post, I’ll explain to you how to build & push docker images to AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) using GitHub Actions. Pre-Requisites Must have AWS Account (Free tier/AWS Educate) Must have prior knowledge of Docker and building docker image Basic knowledge of ...

GitHub Actions: Docker build to AWS ECR and Helm chart deployment to AWS EKS

So, we have a deployed Kubernetes cluster — see the Terraform: Creating EKS, Part 1 — VPCs, Subnets, and Endpoints series. And we have a GitHub Actions workflow to deploy it — see GitHub Actions: Deploying Dev/Prod environments with Terraform. It’s time t...

GitHub Actions: Netflix Deployment Powered by DevSecOps

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, automation is the name of the game. GitHub Actions is the ace up the sleeve of modern developers, enabling them to streamline their daily workflows in practical and impactful ways. In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Actions is m...

How to generate a Docker image for a Rust project using GitHub Actions

In this tutorial we are going through how to generate a Docker image for a Rust project, using web framework Rocket, with GitHub Actions. It’s very straight forward. But I will go step by step here in case you haven’t touched Docker or GitHub Actions before. Ini...

A Simple DevOps Project — GitHub

DevOps, short for Development and Operations, is a set of practices that automates and integrates the processes of software development and IT operations. It’s an essential concept in modern software development, and a fundamental aspect of DevOps is version control. In this tutorial, we&rs...

Implementing CI/CD for Jetbrains Compose Multiplatform Android and iOS Apps using GitHub Actions

In today’s rapidly evolving mobile app development landscape, implementing a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) process has become essential. In this article, we will explore how to leverage the power of GitHub Actions to implement CI/CD for cross-platform Android ...

[iOS] 13 Amazing GitHub Repositories for iOS Developers

In this article, we have curated a list of 13 amazing GitHub repositories that every iOS developer should explore. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced iOS developer, these repositories can help you accelerate your development process, learn new techniques, and leverage existing code to buil...

How to deploy Node.js application on AWS with Github

As a very first step, we need to configure an EC2 instance and securely SSH into it. To learn how to create an EC2 Linux(Amazon Linux) instance, please refer to my previous article on “Securely SSH into AWS EC2 Linux instance”. After successful SSH into EC2 instance, we will follow th...

Handling Multiple Github Accounts on MacOS: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re like me, juggling multiple Github accounts on your Mac can be a hassle. After much trial and error, I’ve discovered an effective method using SSH configuration. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly manage multiple Github accounts on MacOS. P...

How to build SSH key for GitHub on windows

Togrant a computer access to your personal GitHub repository with enhanced operations such as using SSH for cloning and avoiding HTTP-based authentication, as well as setting up permissions for VSCode push, you can follow the below steps. For Chinese version: 在Windows上建立GitHub的SS...

Creating GitHub Repository — Airbnb#002

If you read my introduction to this project you may have noticed I had there a link to my Github repository for this project. I named it Airbnb_in_Rio and you can find it here. I started by cloning the repo on my PC (more specifically in my HD) and then tried to upload every datase...

Github Replacing “Master” With “Main” is a Huge Win for Inclusion in Tech

Since I started my journey in Software Engineering three years ago, there have been plenty of times that I’ve found the field to be non-inclusive. The most egregious of these is in the term “master-slave” architecture and the fact that I start off every day on Github requ...

The Thievery of GitHub Copilot

benefits of its thievery from the programmer’s perspective: 74% say they focus on more satisfying tasks, 88% feel more productive and 96% are faster with repetitive tasks. There’s no third-party independent vetting of this “research” so imho, it’s a public relations bli...