Handling Class Libraries in Node.js (With and Without TypeScript)
<p>I’m mad at node libraries, and I’m just not going to take it anymore!</p>
<p>I’ve committed a lot of attention to Node.js and TypeScript over the last couple of years; I even built a startup with React and Express on it. In a lot of other languages creating a library is as simple as initiating a GUI wizard and picking a class library project type that handles all of the hard parts for you. This is made a little more complicated by adding TypeScript, transpilation, and source maps.</p>
<p>Being that the best practices for building a library for Monorepos or wide distribution via npm, GitHub, and other OSS options are kind of hard to find (or I’m bad at Googling), I’m going to write up here everything that I’ve found so far and show them actually in use to give other people the head start I didn’t have (I need this information written somewhere to refer back to later).</p>
<p>Let’s start the journey from a working version and skip over the ten hours I wasted on my weekends debugging anomalous error messages referring to files I never thought should have been there in the first place</p>
<p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/handling-class-libraries-in-node-js-with-and-without-typescript-39b73b2186b6">Read More</a></p>