How To Add An Existing Unity Project To Github
<p>First you need to create a repository on GitHub. Name it whatever you like and give it a description. See my example below:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*ypGBRDpZaemndC2gc8GhBw.png" style="height:379px; width:1000px" /></p>
<h1>Upload Existing Project To Newly Created Repo</h1>
<p>Navigate to your directory on your computer using the console (I use Git Bash). You would use the command line to<strong> cd</strong> (Change Directory) into the directory.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*LIQRJ_QkZ5P7woQsyRuaxw.png" style="height:370px; width:581px" /></p>
<p>Once in the directory of your existing project proceed to execute the following commands below:</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>