Tag: Girl

4 Lessons I Learned Dating a Spiritual Girl

I wonder what she saw in me when she asked me out. I guess it was a spiritual spark and she connected to it. The first time we spoke was on the messenger chat of the IT company I worked at, and clicked instantly. The first time we spoke, time was not in the picture (we spoke for 3–4 o...

The Black Girl Burn-Out

Working in new-age tech spaces opens your eyes to different concepts. A coworker and I had a mandatory DEI session that was about dealing with “Imposter Syndrom and Burnout”. These sessions rely heavily on the fact that they’re mandatory. Otherwise, who’d waste the time? I...

“Girl Dinners” vs “Husband Meals” Are What’s Wrong With Society’s Attitudes Towards Food and Gender

“You eat like a boy.” So went the so-called burn by someone to me once as I stuffed my gob with all the food I could find on the heaving table of delights at a Christmas party. Chicken wings. Mac and cheese. Jalapeño poppers. I ate it all. According to the internet, th...

How a Little Girl Helped Me Survive Japanese Kindergarten

Trigger Warning: This essay talks about bullying. Please take care of your mental health while reading. “Laaanjuuuu?” Ms. Takahashi called out the class roster as she protruded her lips out like a duck. She glanced around the room of eager children sitting on colorful mats. My n...

Let’s Focus Less on “Lazy Girl Jobs” and More on Why They’re Popular

The latest trend in the so-called Gen Z work culture is “Lazy Girl Jobs.” This is a term that is used to describe a job that is fairly simple, doesn’t require a lot of effort, offers a safe environment (an office or a work from home setup), and pays comfortably. There are a lot ...

“Lazy Girl Jobs”: This Is Not the Revolution We’re Looking For

Just as soon as the sun set on “Boss Babe” and “Girl Boss”, the social media sun rose on “lazy girl jobs.” Taking over TikTok at an incredible rate is the notion of seeking jobs, mainly by GenZ women, that are completely remote, low-stress, high paying, end at 5pm...

8 Office Must-Haves for Girl Bosses Who Want to Be Taken Seriously Even Though They Call Themselves Girl Boss

So, you landed the #dreamjob and are “living your best life!” in the professional world. Congrats! But now that you want to work on climbing that corporate ladder, you may be afraid that you’ll have to straighten up and get rid of all the stuff that shows off your totally unique...


If you are thinking about drawing anime characters, you find it very difficult to pick one single tutorial out there about it. Those tutorials also help but they also make beginners confused over such a simple topic and making it appear a very difficult task. So today I am going to show you two...

How Top Twitch Streamer “Asmongold” Got Me to Appreciate Gamer Culture (Part Four: “Promiscuous Girl”)

I wish I could tell you that this next part is about an epic love story of powerful guild leaders brought low by their shared love for a woman like in Homer’s the Illiad. Instead, Twitch streamer Asmongold introduced a much more crude, albeit more relatable (to his target audience), st...

The Girl from Michigan

Just about three years ago, in December of 2020 I received my first college acceptance to the University of Denver. Soon after, I excitedly began chatting with potential roommates if I were to attend that school in the upcoming fall. While I did not end up finding a roommate on this platform, as I u...

Back When I Was a City Girl, I Had The Best Thanksgiving of All

My daughters have been itching and begging to go back to New York City. The last time we went was almost 10 years ago for Thanksgiving and so their memories are faint. Mine are clear from that trip. I was sober and happy. Going back to my favorite place since I was a teenager was something I look...

The Girl from Ipanema II

Sitting in my room overlooking Copacabana Beach, My chair stiffens my back, words flow from my pen Like the rain pounding against the black and white tiles, On my veranda, each square marked by past visitors. I listen intently to the track The Girl from Ipanema, The 100th time but ...

New girl in Techcouver

The familiarity I had living in Ontario was comparable to the experience I have with Virtual Machines. It felt like home, because it was home. Born and raised on the east side of Canada. A place characterized by frigid winters, Tim Horton’s coffee and wondrous waterfalls like Niagara...

Rich Girl Buys Homeless Man

As the sun began to set over the bustling city, a young woman named Samantha found herself strolling down the busy streets, admiring the glimmering lights and the sounds of people chatting and laughing. Samantha was a wealthy heiress, born into a life of privilege and luxury. Her family’s fort...

Daddy’s Girl

‘Hifz’ is the memorisation of Qu’ran and ironically the film with Denzel Washington ‘Book of Eli’ demonstrates this as he plays a blind man who memorises the King James version of the Bible. He could recite to the other writers after he escapes an evil leader of a town ...

The Birth of Girls Chronically Rock (What exactly is MD?)

Girls Chronically Rock was birthed out of the need for community after I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy a few years back. A rare diagnosis, only affecting about 50,000 Americans, I realized many people don’t quite know what MD is. Before my life had to make room for it, I didn’t k...

The Girl Economy of TikTok

A young woman in her twenties steps away to show off her outfit, the front-facing phone camera perched on the steps of a Brooklyn brownstone they do not own, Lana Del Rey’s “Margaret” playing softly atop the softened sounds of footsteps taken in Rothy’s Mary Janes. Within the...

That Turnip Is a Girl, and That Girl Is An ‘It’

When you think about the moon, what gender is it? If your native language is Italian, Spanish, or Russian, you may think of the moon as feminine. If your native language is Bengali, Hindi, German, or Hebrew, you may think of the moon as masculine. In reality, the moon is a genderless orb floating...

A Trans Girl Approached Me in the Ladies’ Bathroom and It Bothered Me. Here’s Why.

If there’s one thing living in Spain will teach you, it’s that hand washing isn’t priority número uno in public spaces. Luckily, as someone who grew up here, this is no surprise to me. As Gang Starr once said, “I’m not new to this, I’m true to this.&rdqu...

Whipping Girl 3rd Edition to Be Released in March 2024!

In 2014, during the so-called “Transgender Tipping Point,” my publisher Seal Press reached out to me about releasing a second edition. They thought it would be pertinent given the increased mainstream attention and interest that trans people were garnering at the time. For that edition, ...

A Summer to Remember

I’m the type to fall in love very deeply, very quickly. However, this is never a one-sided thing. People fall for me just as fast, which makes it all the more exciting. Of course, this can be seen as a bad thing. Love is intoxicating. It can defy reality. When choosing to defy reality with som...

Am I a Trans Girl?

Let temptation be your path and empathy your navigator. - Alleria Brightfall Of all my emotional battles, from quietly dealing with schizophrenia to being drowned in my empathy, none has been as brutal as my conflict over how I identify myself. I was raised in a chaotic environment. I spe...

A Trans Girl Approached Me in the Ladies’ Bathroom and It Bothered Me. Here’s Why.

If there’s one thing living in Spain will teach you, it’s that hand washing isn’t priority número uno in public spaces. Luckily, as someone who grew up here, this is no surprise to me. As Gang Starr once said, “I’m not new to this, I’m true to this.&rdqu...

An American Legend: Mudflap Girl

Late 1960s America was in turmoil. Citizens were still mourning the assassination of JFK, teenagers were knee-deep in Vietnamese rice paddies fighting a war that could never be won, civil rights protesters defended their natural born rights against “The Blue Helmets”, and the Watergate S...

If Bobbi Althoff Was a BLACK Girl, All Those Black Celebrities Wouldn’t Be on Her Show

Bobbi Althoff is a white Tik Tokker/YouTuber who has amassed millions of views (and probably millions of dollars). Bobbi achieved this level of success by interviewing celebrities, especially Black celebrates. Even though she has achieved this much success, Bobbi has no interviewing skill. In fac...

The Non-White Girl With The White Name

Say, you saw my name on a letter that you were delivering. You take it to my door because that is just the kind of person you are. I open the door. You see me. How do you react? Believe it or not, I’ve experienced this exact scenario not too long ago. Someone delivered a stack of paperwork ...

Island girl

Living in the Island from the beginning teaches you to swim in an early age it was like a SOP for an Island girl like me, teaches you to help your parent for doing the house chores, giving you a wonderful childhood like playing a street games every weekend which you also earned a lot of friends and ...

How cannabis is helping me Heal from Trauma, and why I would suggest it to a friend.

Asa strictly raised country christian girl, I grew-up very innocent, naive, sheltered, and un/inexperienced. More than anyone ever thinks to even expect when they meet me (then or now). I was and am that stereo-typical good girl, girl next door kind of girl. Additionally, I grew-up in the country of...

Nurturing Cultural Connections: How to Find a Romanian Girl in the UK

Interested in finding a Romanian girl in the UK to share your cultural heritage? Discover various avenues such as attending cultural events, utilizing online dating sites, and joining Romanian community groups on social media. Remember to approach relationships with respect and genuine affection, bu...

The Incredible Shrinking Girl

As a young child, I loved Vacation Bible School — it was the only “summer camp” I ever went to. We made sun-catchers in the shape of doves, played Red Light Green Light in the shady grass behind the church, and sang our little hearts out every day. Summers always concluded with a b...

Life as a Fat Girl — A Book Review

“13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl” by Mona Awad takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the ups and downs of body image, self-esteem, and societal standards. Awad’s writing is like a punch to the gut — raw, honest, and unapologetic. She dives headfirst into the mes...

Heal-ish Shit: I Entered the 2024 Inked Cover Girl Competition

Idecided on a whim to enter when I saw a call for competitors online from Inked Magazine. I knew it was similar to “crowdfunding” with questionable ethics that equated to a marketing campaign — so I wasn’t taking it that seriously. I also saw it as an opportuni...

The ultimate guide to the clean girl makeup look on a budget

However, with celebrities and beauty gurus promoting the look, it seems as if the trend favors only high-end and expensive products, which let us be real, not all of us can afford if we want to pay the bills. Here are some effective tips and product recommendations to achieve the perfect look on a b...