An American Legend: Mudflap Girl

<p>Late 1960s America was in turmoil. Citizens were still mourning the assassination of JFK, teenagers were knee-deep in Vietnamese rice paddies fighting a war that could never be won, civil rights protesters defended their natural born rights against &ldquo;The Blue Helmets&rdquo;, and the Watergate Scandal was the cherry on top to cause a mass awakening of American citizens who were still slumbering through the Golden Age hangover. It was evident &ldquo;The Man&rdquo; was not on our side.</p> <p>But, 1,600 miles away in the &ldquo;Coors Rocky Mountains&rdquo; is a girl who travels the open road &mdash; not belonging to anyone, not carrying for anyone. She is peace, she is beauty, she is what America use to be. A woman of individuality, possibly rebelliousness. Her iconic hourglass silhouette sitting with her back leaning on her hands, with her hair blowing in the wind. Too few a sex symbol, to many a beacon, to Stewart Allen, his beautiful wife Rachel Ann.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mudflap Girl