The Girl Economy of TikTok

<p>A young woman in her twenties steps away to show off her outfit, the front-facing phone camera perched on the steps of a Brooklyn brownstone they do not own, Lana Del Rey&rsquo;s &ldquo;Margaret&rdquo; playing softly atop the softened sounds of footsteps taken in Rothy&rsquo;s Mary Janes. Within the realm of TikTok, a seemingly endless digital landscape is dominated by videos of &ldquo;Hot Girl Walks&rdquo; in color-coordinated activewear, &ldquo;Girl Math&rdquo; rationalizing what might seem like impulsive financial choices, and &ldquo;Outfit of the Day&rdquo; displays adorned with Sandy Liang&rsquo;s signature bows and thrifted schoolgirl silhouettes dominating the &ldquo;For You&rdquo; page, amassing millions of views. No longer confined to the history books&rsquo; depictions of bra-burning and &ldquo;Vagina Monologues,&rdquo; feminism finds few forms of expression in the digital age. These trends, and the creators behind them, are actively redefining feminism&rsquo;s boundaries, challenging preconceived notions of identity and empowerment, changing what it means to be a girl.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Girl Economy