The Girl from Michigan

<p>Just about three years ago, in December of 2020 I received my first college acceptance to the University of Denver. Soon after, I excitedly began chatting with potential roommates if I were to attend that school in the upcoming fall. While I did not end up finding a roommate on this platform, as I ultimately picked a different school, I found a friend. I truly never would have imagined that a college facebook group could bring me a friendship that lasted all the way to a European meeting, but it did indeed. All thanks to a shared love for crystals, I found myself chatting away with some random girl from Michigan. Despite our physical distance, me in California and her in Michigan, we managed to chat nonstop from sending snapchat videos to facetime to texting. Though we had never met in&nbsp;<em>real&nbsp;</em>life, we felt immediately like long time and dear friends. As fall came around, she began at University of Denver and went to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. As much as I wanted to live a college experience with her, Cal Poly was the right school for me, and we both understood that. But we didn&rsquo;t let this be the end of our friendship. Thus, we were determined to continue our friendship digitally.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Girl Michigan