Tag: Forgotten

The Forgotten Way of Using the RSI

Sometimes we use indicators without knowing that they have more potential than they show. For example, the RSI is only used in one or two ways but there are a lot of techniques that you can apply on the RSI. This article presents a forgotten way of using the RSI. For a detailed and thorough colle...

The Forgotten Way of Using the RSI

Sometimes we use indicators without knowing that they have more potential than they show. For example, the RSI is only used in one or two ways but there are a lot of techniques that you can apply on the RSI. This article presents a forgotten way of using the RSI. For a detailed and thorough colle...

In 1911, a genius revealed a forgotten science of how to be 50x more productive without working more hours

Heavy weight: I personally lead a year-long, small-group training. The 6th cohort starts in September 2023. To learn more, fill out this application. Light weight: With my Blockbuster Blueprint newsletter, you receive a daily 5-minute video lesson from a famous thought leader along with...

A Kirby and the Forgotten Land Review

Kirby and the Forgotten Land was released in 2022 by HAL and to my delight, that Kirby feeling is back. And in 3D no less. The last non-remake, mainline Kirby game that truly felt special to me was Superstar and that’s a long time back. So it was my delight that Forgotten Land level&rs...

Gone But Not Forgotten

The first person I ever knew well, who died of cancer, was Fiona Messerlian. She came from an Armenian family. We were in the same Home Group at church. Fiona had already contended with a kidney transplant and was fearful of her body rejecting it. Then she developed cancer of the spine....

The Forgotten Election That Altered Global History

In the annals of history, some moments rise to the fore, capturing the attention of historians and enthusiasts alike, while others, equally pivotal, lie shrouded in the shadows of collective memory. Among these lesser-illuminated events is the forgotten election of 1519, a pivotal moment that took p...

Harmony Rediscovered — The Forgotten Melody

In the quietude of a coastal town where the waves whispered tales of times gone by, there lived an old man named Samuel. Each day, he found solace on the weathered porch of his cottage, his eyes tracing the rhythmic dance of the ocean. Samuel, once a maestro of melodies that mirrored the very soul o...

An Exploration of Forgotten English

Have you ever read your horoscope and wondered by what power the planets can control your destiny? There is a name for that power. It is called alfridaria. According to William Toone’s Etymological Dictionary of Obsolete Words, 1832, Alfridaria is “a power astrologers p...

New York Times v. Sullivan and the Forgotten Session of the US Supreme Court

New York Times v. Sullivan, the US Supreme Court’s defining First Amendment opinion of the twentieth century, is under constant attack. Once viewed as occupying the same rarified air as Brown v. Board of Education, Sullivan has become the target of the conservative political and...

NoThe Forgotten American White Workng Class: MAGA Mania Justified?

The American white working class, a segment of society that was once at the forefront of economic and political discussions, now is fading into the background. As our nation grapples with a multitude of challenges, ranging from political polarization to a transforming economy, it is imperative that ...

Wall of Forgotten Natives

Inside an encampment near downtown Minneapolis is a hand-painted sign made from a simple square of cardboard: “Just tents to you. A community to us!” Residents call the camp “The Wall of Forgotten Natives” — what started out last spring as a few campers with sleeping...

The Forgotten Merchants Of Frankincense

Going back far enough in time, the history of any nomadic group becomes confused and uncertain. That is the nature of nomadic culture: transient, adaptive, and often existing without a written record. The Nabataeans, who lived near the Dead Sea and in the Arabian Peninsula, only came to the atten...

Forgotten Technologies of Ancient Rome

Having advanced the achievements of the Greeks and Near Eastern peoples, the Romans achieved significant technological progress, coming quite close to the creation of machines and the Industrial Revolution. During the Middle Ages, some of the Roman technologies declined or were completely lost over ...

The Forgotten Lives of Forgotten Phones

All of my old conversations, my call logs, and voicemails had lingered somewhere within the circuitry of this dead phone for over a decade. I could even see my old notes, music, photos and videos. What I had accepted as a total loss back in middle school when its screen went dark suddenly retur...

The Forgotten History of the Holocaust

McGarry is now a curator at Mia — the Elizabeth MacMillan Chair of European Art and Curator of European Paintings and Works on Paper — where she organized the current exhibition “Envisioning Evil: ‘The Nazi Drawings’ by Mauricio Lasanky,” featuring the s...