The Forgotten Lives of Forgotten Phones

<p>All of my old conversations, my call logs, and voicemails had lingered somewhere within the circuitry of this dead phone for over a decade. I could even see my old notes, music, photos and videos.&nbsp;What I had accepted as a total loss back in middle school when its screen went dark suddenly returned for me from the brink of technological oblivion.</p> <p>With the reemergence of all this old information has been an almost ghostly resurrection of who I was then. It gives a glimpse into forgotten parts of myself. So many of the memories encased within these old photos had laid dormant for years and years. Video footage of some of my most memorable adolescent days were intact. Events that I could describe only vaguely had resurfaced in fully-realized detail.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>