Gone But Not Forgotten

<p>The first person I ever knew well, who died of cancer, was Fiona Messerlian. She came from an Armenian family. We were in the same Home Group at church. Fiona had already contended with a&nbsp;<strong>kidney transplant</strong>&nbsp;and was fearful of her body rejecting it.</p> <p>Then she developed cancer of the spine. Gradually the cancer grew and metastasised (spread). Fiona was only in her late twenties when she lost her life to cancer.</p> <p>At her funeral, the vicar held up her Bible to show everyone how well used it was. She had put lots of tasseled bookmarks in it to access her favourite verses. It was a poignant moment for everyone there.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/gain-indpiration/gone-but-not-forgotten-39589fd08df9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Forgotten