Tag: First

Why “America First” Will Make America Last

In the early 2000s, as I was about to graduate from college, I got together with my best friend from high school to kick back and catch up. Our friendship had been forged over countless hours of debate on matters of politics, philosophy, science, culture, and history. We often disagreed, but that di...

First Impressions of Routine

Routine is an app that manages your tasks and your time. It is based on the famous GTD methodology and houses this in a beautiful desktop app, available on Mac and Windows. There is also a mobile app for iOS. I haven’t yet managed to find my ideal task and diary management syst...

7 Steps to Draft Your First Game

Games were the main reason I started my journey in programming. Though, it’s only until recently that I actually got into it. One of the books that got me started was ‘Game Design Theory: How to design an impressive game’ First, let’s understand the definition of a gam...

How I Made $100k On My First Indie Game

This is someone telling me my game will be a complete and utter failure, even if free or just a dollar. He will be insulted on Steam, and no one will buy it except game collectors when it’s on sale for 50 cents, Steam’s bare minimal price. Also, Steam doesn’t pay out until $200 gro...

We tried making our first game in 72 hours.

Long story short, after getting laid off for the second time within ten months, I wasn’t in the mood for anything but updating my website and searching for jobs. One day, my fiance asked me to make our first game by participating in a game jam called Ludum Dare. I thought it could be a good wa...

Design First, Code When Needed

In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. The concept of “Design First, Code When Needed” is emerging as a revolutionary approach, addressing the critical need for efficient and effective design and coding integration. This article delve...

Attending My First KubeCon

Well, it’s been 4 Months since I came back from KubeCon EU 2023 and this blog post has been on my TODO list since then but the more I thought of writing about it there were some more priority things to do and I had to deprioritize this Blog post. But now after spending some weekends on it, I h...

A Recount of My Travels: The First Installment

On April 17th I flew to Bangkok Thailand. Today, I’m in Koh Rong, a small island off the west coast of Cambodia. It’s now Wednesday, April 26th, which makes this my 9th day on the road. Before I dive into details about my daily explorations, I thought I’d take a step back and sh...

Best Things to Do in Dubai | Guide for a Perfect First Visit in 2023

Dubai is a city where you can experience different aspects of life in one day. You can relax on the beach, explore the desert, and sip a drink from a skyscraper. Nada Badran, a resident of Dubai for more than 30 years and a guide and creator of experiences, says the city has a unique charm. She feel...

My First Semester Living In Ireland

Ican’t believe it’s been 7 months I’m living in the Emerald Isle. Can you believe it? Some of you have been following me throughout this whole time, others only for some part of it, and for some of you, this may be the first story you’re getting to read. My crazy and un...

Istanbul | First Senses

I’m sitting in my little room tucked somewhere narrow and tight in Istanbul, nestled on top of a bustling cobble-stoned street wide enough to barely squeeze in one car. I’ve just arrived and can already feel the spirit of the city swell and devour me. But that is why I came here; to be s...

091/731–17 Nov 2023 ) First time out for four days

Because of receiving the parcel from Japan, I was finally able to go out. My last outing was last Monday, heading to Sainsbury’s. I can go there within five minutes from my home, so the final going afar was last Friday, a week ago! I headed to Stratford after eating lunch but drop...

First Look at the Data pt. 3— Airbnb#005

Welcome to another one of my journals on my Airbnb project! Read more about it here. This is the following step to First Look at the Data pt. 2 — Airbnb#004. Now there are only 3 files left, let’s get rid of some here. As I’ve said, next in line is listings.csv,&n...

Hiking Trip Guide 101: All You need to know before your First Hike

Hiking for the first time can be both exciting and intimidating. But with proper preparation, your first hike can be truly enjoyable. This guide will cover everything you need to know to plan and properly prepare for an unforgettable first hike, including choosing an appropriate trail, gear, footwea...

A Q&A with Forest First Colombia CEO Tobey Russ and CFO Jonathan Dodd on climate change mitigation and sustainable forestry in Colombia

The Vichada region of Colombia is a sparsely populated grassland that lacked infrastructure for a meaningful forestry sector, but that hasn’t stopped Forest First Colombia S.A.S., with support from DFC, from building a sustainable plantation the size of the city of Denver — with critical...

To Let Go of Your Ego, You Need to Make It Strong First

when I first started meditating, I encountered the concept of “letting go of your ego” almost immediately. I found it appealing. I gave in to fantasies of “being one with all life” and “finding infinity in the present moment.” Getting rid of my ego quickly beca...

Tackling the 10 Toughest First Date Questions

So, you’ve swiped right, texted back and forth, and now it’s time for that dreaded first date. You know, the one where you feel like you’re auditioning for a role in someone’s life. Well, don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I’ve got some survival tips for you....

My Trans Firsts Happened Secretly

She wanted a beautiful daughter to take to church in lavish dresses and curled and bowed tresses. She’d sometimes dress me up as an infant and toddler girl, then cooed about my beauty. Then she hurriedly took everything off, worried my dad would discover our secret. He did once and was so angr...

What was it like when the first galaxies began to form?

Whenever you look out beyond the Milky Way today, as far as anyone’s ever been able to see, there’s no place you can look where you won’t eventually find a galaxy. There are galaxies absolutely everywhere, in all directions and locations, even at the greatest cosmic distances ever ...