091/731–17 Nov 2023 ) First time out for four days

<p>Because of receiving the parcel from Japan, I was finally able to go out. My last outing was&nbsp;<a href="https://aknikn.medium.com/087-731-13-nov-2023-still-waiting-1bc52fbaa759" rel="noopener">last Monday</a>, heading to Sainsbury&rsquo;s. I can go there within five minutes from my home, so the final going afar was&nbsp;<a href="https://aknikn.medium.com/084-731-10-nov-2023-not-finished-yet-18b817c6d2ef" rel="noopener">last Friday</a>, a week ago!</p> <p>I headed to Stratford after eating lunch but dropped off Tesco on my way. In my morning routine, I eat toast spread Nutella and a yoghurt with fruit. Since I almost ran off Nutella, needed to replenish a new one. However, I found myself buying tea as well as Nutella.</p> <p><a href="https://aknikn.medium.com/091-731-17-nov-2023-first-time-out-for-four-days-f1a2b28071d5"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: First Time