Tag: Everything

Top Story-Tellers Focus on These 7 Things (And Forget About Everything Else)

After writing 1 million words on the internet I’ve come to one conclusion. It’s a biggie: Storytelling is the most important skill you can develop. If you can nail the basics of storytelling, you’ll be able to convince your readers of your point of view and hold their attention ...

When You Lose Everything And Then Lose It All Over Again

It is a devastating blow when what you have worked on for years is lost.. It can shake you to your core but what happens when you regain your confidence, build again and then lose it all over again? This powerful article explores the challenging reality of facing an insurmountable loss again. ...

How Losing Everything in Prison Helped Me Create a Better Life

On a scorching hot day in Folsom state prison, a guard passed me a note thru the bars of my cell. It said, “Your mom is in the hospital.” Eight days later, my mom died. Externally, I had to exhibit that “I don’t give a shit” attitude so others didn’t think I...

I Would Have Done Everything Differently

IfI had known then what I know now … Those wistful words taste of regret, a bitter pill to swallow when life takes all our well-laid plans and tosses them around like confetti. The implication is clear: I would have done everything differently. And I would have, if I’d known. ...

Why I’m Wrong About Everything (And So Are You)

Five hundred years ago cartographers believed California was an island. Doctors believed that slicing your arm open and bleeding everywhere could cure disease. Scientists believed fire was made out of something called phlogiston. Women believed rubbing dog urine on their face had anti-aging benefits...

How 9/11 Taught Me To Stop Saying ‘Everything Will Be Okay’

I’ll spare you the usual details of that awful morning. They have been well-documented and you have likely seen enough video of the event to last a lifetime. I was working at a hospital less than half a mile from the World Trade Center where, from my office, I had a clear view of the buildings...

Do You Have an Opinion About Everything?

For almost two decades, I tweeted about everything I saw, heard, experienced, and dreamt. I was more active on Twitter than Donald Trump, even when he was allowed to be on Twitter. Then something happened. You can’t find any of my tweets about anything in the last t...

Losing Everything | #MyFridayStory №304

Being protective of cherished possessions isn’t just for those who are sentimental. Losing something precious is never easy for anyone. The things we hold dear are valuable to us, no matter their price tag. Their worth often can’t be measured; it’s simply priceless. My dad had a...

10 Quotes That Will Remind You That Everything Will Be Alright

In the hustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by challenges, uncertainties, and the never-ending stream of responsibilities. We often find ourselves wondering if everything will truly be alright. But amidst the chaos, it’s essential to take a step back, breathe, and r...

“The Fear Of Everything”

“The fears we don’t face become our limits.” The thing that restricts a person from achieving anything in life, whether it’s in the perspective of love, career, or relationships, is fear. It’s like termites that hollow a person from the inside. The problem with fear ...

A Time For Everything To Happen In Our Life

I mean that most of us lament, why God is not answering our prayers. The Bible teaches that there is a time for everything to happen in our life. "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens." "A time to be born and a time to die, a time to p...

I’m Learning To Say No To Almost Everything

It’s a simple word, and often one of the first ones we learn, but many of us don’t use it enough. You may be aware that learning to say no is the key to a more peaceful and manageable life, but could it also lead to a more successful one? Some (very) successful people think it can. Wa...

You Can Go No Further — On Video Games, Reality and the Edge of Everything

Breath of the Wild on the Switch is the first open world game I’ve ever played. I’ve spent weeks now meandering, sometimes purposely, sometimes not, through the big, wide world the game designers created. I’ve battled monsters, tamed wild horses, even became a home owner. During...

How to Turn Everything You See Into Racism?

Now I cannot speak for you. I can only speak for myself. But I do not believe in “white supremacy.” I think it’s utterly ridiculous. But a lot of people disagree with me. In fact, you might not expect who disagrees with me: BLM disagrees with me Pro-Palestine disagrees w...

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know To Build Your Brand As A Writer (And Why It Matters)

It’s no secret that social media is fake. Writing may be an inherently vulnerable craft, but it is still, to a degree, fake. As a writer, you must choose which parts of yourself get shown to your audience. Even self-niched writers are still selective with how much of themselves they expose....