Tag: Emotions

3 Psychological Reasons You Can’t Regulate Your Emotions

Do you wish you could regulate your emotions better? Maybe you want to lower your baseline level of anxiety and nervousness Maybe you want to stop getting so angry and irritable at small annoyances Or maybe you wish you could move on from some kind of grief or deep sadness Painful emo...

4 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Your Emotions

As a psychologist, I’ve seen first-hand how most people struggle with their emotions much more than they need to… They get overwhelmed in spirals of worry and anxiety They lash out in fits of anger or defensiveness They procrastinate on their goals because of apathy, guilt, or...

Express Your Emotions — But Only If You’re A Man

We’re currently hearing that men are sad, lonely, depressed and so on. Books are launched and training delivered to encourage us all to talk about men’s feelings, show their emotions and not resort to anger so readily. Can’t really argue with any of that, and some good guys are doi...

How My Suppressed Emotions Became Thorns

At first, it seemed like a brilliant plan to ignore my emotions. When I decided I would let him go because I love him, I knew the only way I would get through the pain was to numb my feelings. I suppressed it. I wouldn’t let myself feel it. I carried on with a smile on my face, prete...

If You’re Not Fine Just Say So!

Thank you for this prompt  . Why do people say that they’re “fine” when they’re not? Why do we hide our emotions? Is this something that you do in your life? Do you do it with specific people but not others? Who do you tell the truth to about how you feel at any ...

The Powerful Effects of Hiding My Vulnerabilities and Emotions

Society often expects us to mainly display strength and resilience, making it uncomfortable for some to openly express vulnerabilities or emotions. While this can be particularly true in certain cultures or workplaces, we generally hide our vulnerabilities and emotions to serve various purposes and ...

Do Men and Women Really Experience Emotions Differently?

It’s a common stereotype that women are more emotional than men. But is there any truth to this? The answer is complicated. On the one hand, there is some evidence to suggest that men and women do experience emotions differently. For example, studies have shown that women are more likely to...

How My Suppressed Emotions Became Thorns

At first, it seemed like a brilliant plan to ignore my emotions. When I decided I would let him go because I love him, I knew the only way I would get through the pain was to numb my feelings. I suppressed it. I wouldn’t let myself feel it. I carried on with a smile on my face, prete...

Faces That Reveal Hidden Emotions

Faces That Reveal Hidden Emotions I began this painting with reference to a photo of a man whom I found attractive. Perhaps we always begin with beauty? Or fascination? Maybe this is the same thing. It think it is in my case. The expression I painted was not his, but mine: someone who is unset...

Faces That Reveal Hidden Emotions

Faces That Reveal Hidden Emotions I began this painting with reference to a photo of a man whom I found attractive. Perhaps we always begin with beauty? Or fascination? Maybe this is the same thing. It think it is in my case. The expression I painted was not his, but mine: someone who is unset...

4 Simple Strategies to Shift Your Energy and Manage Your Emotions Anytime

Slowly but surely, I went from feeling focused and energized to feeling hopeless and depressed. Does that ever happen to you? I could dive into the nitty gritty of what caused this energetic stumble, but that’s actually besides the point. This sort of thing happens. Maybe a lack of sl...

The Chemistry Behind Our Emotions

Emotions are physiological states that are generated subconsciously in our brains in response to internal or external events in our lives. While emotions and feelings are connected, feelings depend on emotions and are not interchangeable. Feelings are subjective and driven by conscious thought and r...

Classifying Emotions with an AI Model using brain data!

Have you ever felt that your Spotify playlist is insanely unorganized? I mean how one song could be very slow and melodic while the next one has a lot of loud instrumentals and is upbeat. I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes, I think about making a playlist for each emotion but this is just to...

The Power of Color: How Fashion Influences Emotions

Colors have a remarkable ability to evoke emotions, and when combined with the artistry of fashion, they become a potent tool to express and influence feelings. Fashion designers have long recognized the power of color in clothing, using it to create distinct moods, evoke memories, and convey messag...