How My Suppressed Emotions Became Thorns

<p>At first, it seemed like a brilliant plan to ignore my emotions. When I decided I would let him go because I love him, I knew the only way I would get through the pain was to numb my feelings. I suppressed it. I wouldn&rsquo;t let myself feel it. I carried on with a&nbsp;<em>smile</em>&nbsp;on my face, pretending like everything was okay. If I felt nothing at all, then I would not hurt. So I worked and I worked and I worked.</p> <p>I thought I was being strong; resilient, even.</p> <p>I bottled up the uncomfortable emotions and denied their existence. I buried the difficult feelings deep down; locked away in a hidden corner of my heart. I distracted myself with work, mindless entertainment and anything to keep difficult emotions at bay.</p> <p>Numbing and distracting myself from feeling wasn&rsquo;t the only thing I did to not feel. As an introvert, whenever I was going through some kind of pain or an emotionally difficult time, my first instinct was&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">to detach</a>&nbsp;and this is where I excelled. I detached from the world.</p> <p>But little did I know, the emotions I was rejecting were growing silently in the darkness of my being.</p> <blockquote> <p>By refusing to feel my emotions, I was only hurting myself. And the more I avoided them, the stronger they grew, piercing through my very core.</p> </blockquote> <p>I had many excuses as to why I was&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">ignoring my emotions</a>. I&rsquo;m a working woman/mother. What time do I have to be lying in a fetal position on the bed crying and dealing with heavy emotions when there is work and chores to be done?</p> <p>In some cultures,&nbsp;<a href=",However%2C%20vulnerability%20is%20not%20weakness." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">vulnerability</a>&nbsp;is seen as a sign of weakness so I kept going because I am strong.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>