Tag: Dying

Programming Languages to Learn Today and Others That Are Slowly Dying

One of the most daunting tasks of a software engineer is to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies. There’s a constant barrage of new things to learn, but we can only do so much. As we start working on a new technology, other stones are left unturned, and some are even put back ...

Why You Never Hear About the Dying Ozone Anymore

I was in grade school at the time. Our teacher brought in a big box TV on wheels and sat it at the front of the classroom. Animations of plants and humans shriveling under the sun’s death beams cascaded across the screen. It felt like we were on the verge of another cold war, this time, wit...

How I Got Over the Pain of Watching My Father Dying on Zoom

For the third time in five minutes, I gave him the same answer: “You’re 87, mate.” Under normal circumstances, I’d have said, “Fuck me” just loud enough for him to hear, then given him a gobful for not listening, but the gurgling rattle in his chest that hijack...

Art of Dying: Stage 4 Cancer

All my life, I loved to eat a lot of food, I love to dance at clubs, and I loved life with friends and family. Then it started, an ambulance would come to my house and take me to the ER because I was in pain. I went many times during one summer month. One time in the hospital, I woke up and a ...

I’m Gay. I Hated Red, White & Royal Blue. But My Dying Christian Dad?

Iwatched ‘Red, White & Royal Blue’ a couple weeks ago, and I hated it. Okay, that’s not fair. I disliked it. A lot. Rather, it disappointed me. See me equivocating already? I’m not afraid of expressing my opinion, despite the oodles of queer people who adored what they ca...

3 Things I Would Do to Turn Around a Dying Brand

There is a difference between a business and a brand. A business entails the exchange of products or services for money. However, a brand is all about becoming known for something. It takes little time to start a business, while it takes a lot of time to build a brand. And nothing is more heartbreak...

Superheroes are dying and what that means

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Superman, the colloquial first superhero? Arguably, it used to be his kindness, Christopher Reeve’s warm smile, or a friendly super-friend giving you his hand. Now, you’d probably think of his visually awe-inspiring powers, las...

Animals Are Dying, Can Art Help?

With the death of the last male white rhinoceros, and the news of giraffes becoming endangered, the irreparable damage that we have caused to bio diversity on earth is becoming a very real concern. Future generations will only see pictures and videos of animals we have seen. Forests will be torn dow...

Living and Dying on Airbnb

The rope swing looked inviting. Photos of it on Airbnb brought my family to the cottage in Texas. Hanging from a tree as casually as baggy jeans, the swing was the essence of leisure, of Southern hospitality, of escape. When my father decided to give it a try on Thanksgiving morning, the trunk ...

Signs of a Dying Website and how you can fix it

A sharp drop in website traffic is akin to a silent alarm ringing in the digital realm. If your analytics dashboard shows a consistent downward trend, it’s time to pay attention. This decline can be attributed to various factors, such as changes in search engine algorithms, outdated content, o...

How to Live on a Dying Planet

I face-timed my sister a couple times this week and she didn’t pick up — at least not right away. Later on, she called back. Busy she said. But it wasn’t that, she was avoiding me. Lol. I could tell. We’d gotten into an argument. She’s a busy executive and I’m ...

Florida is Dying

Step out of the thriving Miami metro area, and you’ll discover a dying state. Even in the Miami area, where water temps are around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, things are getting dicey. Floridians are getting hit with unaffordable or non-existent home insurance policies. They’re getting hi...

Organ Donors Are a Dying Breed — We Can Do Better

In the U.S. alone, 17 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant. That’s more than double the amount of people who perished in the Twin Towers, but annually. My best friend could have been one of them. One of my best friends, Amy, is a NICU (neonatal intensi...

Our Democracy is Dying and There is Only One Way to Save It

For most Indonesians, 2024 will be the first time that they could vote for their desired candidates to run for this country. But this year isn’t like any other, this year the president isn’t staying neutral. The president himself, shows his support to one specific candidate, why? Beca...

The Good Earth is Dying, updated

In 1971 Isaac Asimov wrote an essay called The Good Earth is Dying, which begins with the question, “How many people is the earth able to sustain?” Asimov lays out the following logic: Since the mass of plant life on the earth cannot increase without a correspondin...

I dreamed of dying in your arms (English version)

I dreamed of dying in your arms and it was nice. Especially because you walked by my dreams, it’s been a while since you did that. We were in a very dark room, most likely your office. Lying there on the couch with my hands between my thighs, you were sitting on the edge, my head resting on yo...