Tag: dilemma

The SEC’s dilemma is to embrace the change or resist the revolution.

As the SEC stands to decide on some of the most controversial decisions regarding crypto like Bitcoin ETFs and DEX’s, they continue to try to keep this house of cards standing. And it’s getting tiring if I’m being honest and I consider this a threat to my freedom. It’s tim...

The Leadership Dilemma

When someone tells me they have a bad boss and I ask why 8 times out of 10 the answer is “They micromanage me”. No employee, not one I’ve met at least ever spoke the words “I wish my boss would look over my shoulder and tell me each step in the process even thoug...

The Leadership Dilemma

When someone tells me they have a bad boss and I ask why 8 times out of 10 the answer is “They micromanage me”. No employee, not one I’ve met at least ever spoke the words “I wish my boss would look over my shoulder and tell me each step in the process even thoug...

The Biggest Ethical Dilemma You Face As a Leader

As leaders, we are faced with challenging situations on a daily basis. We need to make hard decisions that can have lasting consequences for our organization and the teams involved. But there is one ethical dilemma that all leaders face throughout their careers, no matter their level. This ...

The Diffing Dilemma! All about diffing, from RecyclerView to LazyLists — An Introduction

This is an introductory article to the multipart series on “All about diffing, from RecyclerView to LazyLists”. You can find the next part here. Sometime around the end of the year in 2020, I started exploring Jetpack Compose since we wanted to introduce it to our codebase. The t...

Solution for OSINT challenge #007 by Sofia Santos — The big dilemma —

In this write up I will be showing you how I found the answer for the questions stated below. The riddle: https://gralhix.com/list-of-osint-exercises/osint-exercise-007/ Task briefing: The photo below was taken a few years ago in a beautiful city. Your task is to find the answers to...

Solar’s Winter Dilemma: Are Home Batteries Enough?

Last year, I generated 4800 kWh of electricity from solar panels, the exact amount that I consumed. Is it fair to say that 100% of my energy is solar? Officially the answer is “yes”, thanks to Renewable Energy Credits and net metering provisions. Functionally, it’s a little more co...

EMI vs. rent dilemma with a real-world example:

When contemplating whether to buy a property or continue renting, the decision often boils down to comparing the long-term financial implications of both options. Let’s take a hypothetical situation where you’re considering buying a property worth ₹3.5 crores. For simplicity, we assume...

The Converts’ Dilemma: Mourning a Gentile Parent

There is no doubt that, for many, the covert’s journey in Judaism is arduous. Even when done with love and compassion, the process is still a challenge that can take years and can be filled with many mental and emotional challenges. But at the special moment when the conversion happens —...

Broken Compass and Moral Dilemma

Moral blindness is a dangerous trait that politicians has showed in US Congress in recent years. This blindness has led to a systemic perpetuation of white supremacy that threatens the American government democracy, as well as the growth of diversity that threatens to make the country less white and...

Prenatal Screening for Autism is an Ethical Dilemma

In2021, the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge announced Spectrum 10K, a plan to collect and analyze the genomes of 10,000 autistic people. The stated aim was to understand diversity among autistic people, including why some have conditions like epilepsy and ADHD, and to develop m...

Unveiling the Dopamine Dilemma: Taking Boring Breaks Can 10X Your Productivity

The neuroscientific reason for this has to do with the role dopamine plays in your so-called “breaks.” When we slip into a focused working state, our dopamine levels are high, which is what allows us to feel mindlessness, effortlessness, and motivation in our work. However, when we op...

Astronomer’s Dilemma: Not what you think

Ever since I gazed at the stars as a kid, I’ve been hooked on the wonders of space. From black holes swallowing stars to explosions that light up the universe, it’s all mind-blowing! My childhood fascination led me to study physics and later specialize in astronomy. Now, as a full...

50 Challenging Problems in Probability [Part 13]: The Prisoner’s Dilemma

Three prisoners, A, B, and C, with apparently equally good records have applied for parole. The parole board has decided to release two of the three, and the prisoners know this but not which two. A warder friend of prisoner A knows who are to be released. Prisoner A realizes that it would be unethi...

The Glocalvore’s Dilemma: Uniting Global Flavors and Local Roots

In the age of globalization, our food, culture, work and sense of identity are increasingly influenced by both local and global sources. Growing up in a town that was notably lacking in culinary diversity, my experiences as a child were flavored by the rather straightforward meals crafted by my dare...

The Sneaker Resell Dilemma

The Heart of the Debate: At the core of the ethical dilemma lies the tension between passion and profit. Sneaker enthusiasts argue that reselling is a natural extension of the community’s fervor, providing a platform for enthusiasts to turn their love for sneakers into a legitimate business...

The Criminal’s Dilemma: How Your Style Choices Can Plant Seeds of Doubt

Asa lecturer, I’m always interested when students explore unique angles on societal issues through their projects. One student’s recent assignment on designing personal protective equipment for women traveling alone piqued my curiosity about what drives people, especially criminals, to t...

Germany’s Digital Dilemma: Connectivity Without Community

In an age where social media platforms are often spotlighted for their negative impacts, recent events have brought the conversation into sharp focus. A cascade of misinformation that sowed public discord has led many to question whether these digital forums are more harmful than helpful. It’s...