The Leadership Dilemma

<p>When someone tells me they have a bad boss and I ask&nbsp;<em>why&nbsp;</em>8 times out of 10 the answer is &ldquo;<em>They micromanage me&rdquo;</em>.</p> <p>No employee, not one I&rsquo;ve met at least ever spoke the words &ldquo;<em>I wish my boss would look over my shoulder and tell me each step in the process even though I&#39;ve done it a hundred times before.&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>Yet time and again managers do this and think it&rsquo;s a good idea. That it works. Why is that?</p> <p>And what&rsquo;s even more befuddling is good boss&rsquo; who have never micromanaged may start doing so without warning. Why? What&rsquo;s going on? Is there something in the water?</p> <p>So why do bosses do it? Perfectionism? Need for control? Pressure from above? Lack of confidence perhaps? Micromanagers all have their reasons that to them are crucial. Most do it without even realizing it.</p> <h2>Micromanaging is Bad for Business</h2> <p>Micromanaging in its basic form is the scourge of good management. A micromanager in your organization can set a team of people back years in their development the impact is that negative.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>