The Glocalvore’s Dilemma: Uniting Global Flavors and Local Roots

<p>In the age of globalization, our food, culture, work and sense of identity are increasingly influenced by both local and global sources. Growing up in a town that was notably lacking in culinary diversity, my experiences as a child were flavored by the rather straightforward meals crafted by my dare I say, culinarily-challenged parents. With little exposure to diverse food, I developed an insatiable curiosity, a quest for novelty that has transformed into an enduring love for the global marketplace of flavors as an adult. This sense of adventure first awakened within me during a school trip, of which my clearest memory is the taste of a tuna roll &mdash; my first encounter with sushi &mdash; that seemed to open a door to an entirely new world of taste and which left me with an insatiable appetite for sushi and related foods.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>