Tag: Diet

Where Do I Sign Up For the Trump Diet?

Donald Trump walked into the Fulton County Jail weighing well over 300 lbs, and by the time he signed himself in, he had dropped to 215 lbs. How did he do it? Inquiring minds want to know. Every time he enters a jail, he loses weight. When he gave his measurements in Manhattan during his firs...

How Diet Alters Brain Chemistry to Cause (or Battle) Depression

After he was born in 2020, Oliver’s doctors told his mother that he had a metabolic disorder that would damage his brain — and later in life, he was at risk for depression. The way depression develops in people with this genetic change — a deficit in specific brain chemicals &mdash...

Can the Permaculture Diet Save the World?

Iwas fifteen when I first turned vegan, back in the 1980s. Those were the days when you still had to explain what veganism was and spent mealtimes justifying your weirdness to family members and friends. Things have come a long way since then. People are more aware and vegan restaurants are ubiqu...

Can the Permaculture Diet Save the World?

Iwas fifteen when I first turned vegan, back in the 1980s. Those were the days when you still had to explain what veganism was and spent mealtimes justifying your weirdness to family members and friends. Things have come a long way since then. People are more aware and vegan restaurants are ubiqu...

What Is Hindu Diet?

Diet in Hinduism differs from its sundry religions. The medieval and historic Hindu texts endorse ahimsa or non-violence towards all live organisms, including humans and animals, because they suspect that it decreases the risk of animal deaths. Most of the Hindus stick to a he...

3 Things To Know Before You Read Any Diet Article

The Month Of Contradictions July this year was a hallmark month for the oxymoron that you know as nutrition science. We are used to getting conflicting advice about virtually any diet. But this month presented two papers that demonstrate why the words nutrition and science should never appe...

Diet, Alzheimer’s, and Protecting the Brain

A recent study found that a diet that mimics fasting protects the brain of mice against Alzheimer’s Disease There is a large body of literature on dietary modifications that have a beneficial effect on aging and aging-associated diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease. A recent study ...

Boosting Productivity and Beating Burnout with “The Decision Diet”

We’ve all been there — by midday, our mental energy wanes, and making even simple decisions feels like scaling a mountain. Decision fatigue can impact our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being, especially for those grappling with burnout. In an analysis by the National In...

Our Healthcare System Can’t Afford Diet Drugs

The NY Times has estimated the cost and savings to state public insurance programs, health insurance exchange subsidies, and U.S. taxpayers from making the new weight loss class of drugs more broadly available. Under reasonable assumptions and at current prices, making this class of medications...

Research shows — Why your Paleo diet should be more veggies and less meat

Let’s get straight to the point using science, facts and data. Yes! you are probably doing your Paleo diet wrong if you are going hard on the meat end of things, new groundbreaking research by the archeologists at the university of Wyoming shows that the early hunter-gatherer diet cons...

How the Carnivore Diet Can Boost Your Hair Health

Have you ever wondered if what you eat could have an impact on the health of your hair? While there’s no magic food that will instantly give you luscious locks, there is evidence to suggest that the carnivore diet may have some hair health benefits. The carnivore diet, also known as the all-me...

How the Carnivore Diet can help clear your skin: Say goodbye to acne for good!

From the ancient cave paintings depicting hunting scenes, to the modern-day steak restaurants, the human fascination with meat is evident. And now, it seems that this fascination with meat may have some unexpected benefits, particularly in the realm of skin health. Yes, you heard that right: the ...