Tag: Diaries

The Groundhog Diaries. 04–10–2023.

A glorious retelling of various old horror movies where the creator takes old forgotten movies and prunes out scenes to retell the tale. I love what he does with these. I love the look he gets on the frames. I just love the book. Worth following on Kickstarter to get these. The Thirteenth Floor. ...

The Groundhog Diaries. 22–09–2023.

The Power Of A Small Town Melody. The man and the woman sit in the centre on one of the benches next to the fountain. The man gets out the small pocket-sized chess set and they set up the sides The man plays black, the woman is white. “Apt,” she says. He looks at her. “...

The Barcelona Diaries — Promising Young Women

This is how my time in Barcelona started. With Kate, my best friend, and I staring at each other in our new apartment, saying those words in disbelief. Considering that moving to Barcelona had been all we’d talked about for 9 months, and that planning the move had almost killed us, it’s ...

Poem: Dubai Diaries — Part 3

As the weekend vanishes, it dawns on me that the journey has slowly evolved to its business end. But with a few more days to go, the third part makes me satisfied, and you all, with some fodder to read. Dubai City’s contrasting nature grows on a week plus travel. The City is rich and glitzy...

The UK Diaries: Entry #2

AsI arose from my jet lag, the moonlight illuminated my room. 4:45 a.m. This was not how I imagined spending my first night in a new country. As a remedy for my boredom, I began to scroll through YouTube, Medium, and Instagram. As each hour passed, my hunger grew. Gnawing throughout my ...

Istanbul Diaries (7 — yedi)

Istanbul is surrounded by three bodies of water: The Sea of Marmara to the south, the Bosphorus River splitting the city between the two continents of Europe and Asia, and the Black Sea to the north. A Bosphorus cruise is a must when visiting Istanbul, but as locals, we decided to take the Istanbul ...

Istanbul Diaries (6 — altı)

For a lightly active (I refused to call us sedentary!) family, averaging 14–18K steps or about 8–12km per day has been a pleasantly tiring experience. A good natured rivalry between hubby and I has emerged, with the kiddo cheering on each parent on an alternate day lol to see who got mor...

The Extra Expat Diaries: Entry #2

I went to London last week to attend a Halloween party with my partner. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would people dress up like they do in the U.S? Would kids go from house to house collecting candy while saying Trick or Treat in British accents? I was surprised to see a lot of people d...

Diaries of Benghazi — Al Jagbub — Lefke — New York : Mystic Dreams and Solitudes of Confrontation

In 2018 after finishing my bachelor degree I was trying to heal from the remaining traces of melancholy. I felt an intense urge to pursue what I have always dreamt of… A mystic life, to retreat from the chaotic, noisy, and nasty war-torn world we have arrived at without our will. I was fas...

Hair Diaries of an African Woman

I didn’t know how to take care of my hair for the first twenty-five years of my life. In case you’re wondering, I turned 28 this May. That’s freaking sad. But as ridiculous as it sounds, that a grown-ass woman like me had no idea how to take care of my hair, it really isn&r...