Istanbul Diaries (6 — altı)

<p>For a lightly active (I refused to call us sedentary!) family, averaging 14&ndash;18K steps or about 8&ndash;12km per day has been a pleasantly tiring experience. A good natured rivalry between hubby and I has emerged, with the kiddo cheering on each parent on an alternate day lol to see who got more steps and why. #Fitbits are proving to be a popular addition to family.</p> <p>After a day of sightseeing, we decided to focus today on shopping. Neither hubs nor I are fans of haggling at bazaars. It&rsquo;s a skill that neither of us picked up having grown up outside South Asia, and what little skill I had from years of traveling to India has withered to none. I decidedly find the chatting, haggling and negotiating exhausting, so we decided to skip the&nbsp;<em>Kapalı &Ccedil;arşı&nbsp;</em>(the covered Grand Bazaar), one of the longest running bazaars in the world since the 1500s, and headed instead to a fancy mall in Nişantaşı instead. Nişantaşı is an upscale residential area,&nbsp;<em>nişan&nbsp;</em>(meaning: marker, target)&nbsp;<em>taşı&nbsp;</em>(meaning: move) that was first settled in the 1800s after the then Sultan placed pillars to mark hunting grounds, and eventually encouraged the rich and powerful to build their mansions there.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>