The UK Diaries: Entry #2

<p>AsI arose from my jet lag, the moonlight illuminated my room.<strong>&nbsp;4:45</strong>&nbsp;<strong>a.m</strong>. This was not how I imagined spending my first night in a new country. As a remedy for my boredom, I began to scroll through YouTube, Medium, and Instagram. As each hour passed, my hunger grew.</p> <p>Gnawing throughout my body, my hunger grew and grew. I felt gluttonous.&nbsp;<strong>7:45 a.m</strong>. Breakfast was in 15 minutes, so I got dressed and dashed to the dining hall.</p> <p>For my first breakfast, I had everything. Ham, sausage, beans, toast, coffee, and water. How delicious&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: UK Diaries