Tag: Deep

Deep Dive Into Error Bar Visualization

Data visualization is a tool for data people to simplify information in a way that humans would understand. The technique lets people quickly catch on to any vital pattern and easily interpret complex data. Depending on the requirement, data aggregation visualization is sometimes necessary to pro...

Technical Deep Dive — Coins Selection Algorithm

While we are about to release EON on Mainnet, as the first EVM compatible sidechain in the Horizen Ecosystem, the team hasn’t stopped improving what we still consider the center of our universe, Zend. We would like to share the way we have improved the algorithm of coins selection used by H...

Efficient Deep Learning: Unleashing the Power of Model Compression

Introduction When a Machine Learning model is deployed into production there are often requirements to be met that are not taken into account in a prototyping phase of the model. For example, the model in production will have to handle lots of requests from different users running the product. So...

Why More is More (in Deep Learning)

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have profoundly transformed the landscape of machine learning, often becoming synonymous with the broader fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Yet, their rise would have been unimaginable without their partner-in-crime: stochastic gradient descent (SGD)...

Making Sense of Meaning: A Deep Dive into Large Language Models and the Complex Landscape of…

Semantics — the study of meaning — is a profoundly complex topic that has challenged linguists, philosophers, and AI researchers for decades. With the recent explosion in large language models, interest has surged in understanding these models’ capabilities and limitations when ...

Cultivate The Rare Trait of Deep Kindness

Were you, like me, thinking it was natural for humans to be kind? Let me break it to you: it’s exactly the opposite. Human beings are needy, high-maintenance, and overt or covertly power-hungry creatures in their most natural state. Our history is a gore account of power shifts and warfare ...

Diving into Mark Bradford’s “Deep Blue”

Color, texture, and terrain are the three words that best describe “Deep Blue”, Mark Bradford’s 50-foot work documenting the destruction in Los Angeles during the 1965 Watts Riots. The scale and intricacy of his work coupled with the simplicity of materials — colore...

How to Do a Kitchen Deep Cleaning

A deep clean of your kitchen is crucial if you want to avoid developing a Coronavirus outbreak. This can be done by cleaning out all food waste and cleaning the ventilation system in your kitchen. It is important to follow food safety regulations if you run a restaurant or caterer business...

Understanding Retirees’ Spending Patterns: A Deep Dive into the Top Four Expense Categories

Retirement is often portrayed as a time of relaxation, travel, and well-deserved leisure. However, behind the scenes lies a pressing concern for many retirees: expenses. As we bid farewell to our working years and welcome the golden age, it’s crucial to understand where our hard-earned...

How Trump Would Destroy the Deep State

Former President Donald Trump’s first major rally for the 2024 presidential race was held in Waco, Texas. It was a fitting stage for him to attack the evil deep state. Trump, always the shrewd marketer, knew the message he wanted in starting his presidential campaign: you cannot trust the g...

A Deep Breath: Practicing Antiracism after an Attempted Coup

Living through ongoing crises is draining! To process continued trauma, or brains require rest. (And when we don’t get it, we often perpetuate the culture of white supremacy that fuels these attacks.) Move deadlines, cancel or shorten meetings, lead by example in ending your workday at a reaso...

Uranus — A Planetary Deep Dive

Save for its name, Uranus isn’t really the most memorable planet out there. Being far enough away from Earth that any amateur observer would barely be able to make out coherent details of its surface, let alone the very faint bands and storms that any self-respecting gas giant would have. As a...

Understanding deep time: Volume II

Welcome back to our in-depth exploration of Earth’s deep history, where we will continue our journey through the tapestry of Geological time to illuminate the secrets of our planet’s past. In our earlier installment in the series, we ventured through the ancient eons and epochs, from the...

Part III: Deep Liquid Time Neural Network in NeuralStart

The Liquid Neural Network, or LNN, is a deep learning approach heavily inspired by the functioning of the biological brain. This network is designed to mimic how biological neural networks interact and adapt to incoming signals. Here’s an in-depth explanation of how it works and its relevance ...

Why NASA Is Streaming a Cat Video from Deep Space

First, the who, where, what, and how. Who: Taters the cat, who is owned by a NASA JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) employee. Where: The Psyche spacecraft is currently about 19 million miles from Earth, or roughly 80 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon. What:&nbsp...

Monster: A Deep Dive

Monster primarily takes place in Germany, which plays a significant role in the series. The choice of Germany as a setting is interesting as it provides a unique backdrop for the story, as it delves into issues such as post-World War II guilt and the legacy of the Nazi regime. The historical an...

Hip Deep

Look, I know what the human skeleton looks like— all of you with the side eyes — so I know hip dips are normal. Just…mine were never so pronounced, to the point that I didn’t even know they existed. Discovering them felt like waking up with longer canines. W...

Best Lipsticks for Deep Autumns

The list is organized by brand name, in case you have a favorite brand or want to stay in a budget. I listed some of the most well known brands like Revlon and Smashbox, as well as the more luxurious brands like YSL and Dior and the cult favorite MAC. Some of these shades not only are harmonious ...