Deep Dive Into Error Bar Visualization

<p>Data visualization is a tool for data people to simplify information in a way that humans would understand. The technique lets people quickly catch on to any vital pattern and easily interpret complex data.</p> <p>Depending on the requirement, data aggregation visualization is sometimes necessary to provide a deeper understanding of the data. For example, we can take average tips between each day and show the result in a bar plot.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*cstFlf33RBS7TLTIvocgRA.png" style="height:278px; width:386px" /></p> <p>Bar plot showing tips average for each day with error bar (Image by Author)</p> <p>In the image above, the error bar is the black line at the top of each bar. However, what is an error bar?</p> <p>When we visualize the summary statistic, adding an&nbsp;<strong>error bar</strong>&nbsp;within the graph would be fitting to&nbsp;<strong>show the</strong>&nbsp;<strong>aggregation&#39;s uncertainty or spread</strong>. It shows how confident we are with the result or how far the values are from the central estimation, depending on what we measure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>