Understanding deep time: Volume II

<p>Welcome back to our in-depth exploration of Earth&rsquo;s deep history, where we will continue our journey through the tapestry of Geological time to illuminate the secrets of our planet&rsquo;s past. In our earlier installment in the series, we ventured through the ancient eons and epochs, from the fiery origins of the Hadean to the closing moments of the Neoproterozoic Era, setting the stage for a new era of life and geological transformation.</p> <p>As we depart on the second part of our journey, we invite you to accompany us through the dramatic events of the Paleozoic Era, beginning with the extraordinary Cambrian Explosion and culminating at the dawn of the Mesozoic.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@exploringdeeptime/understanding-deep-time-volume-ii-910553be0894"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Deep Time