Tag: decision

What you won’t learn from books about data and decision-making

My community has been asking me for a reading list of my favorite books about decision-making, data science, and decision intelligence, so here are the fruits of my attempt to compile some recommendations for you. Photo by the author. I’d love to suggest one great book for ...

Courage in Action: The Life-Changing Impact of Bold Decision-Making

Diving headfirst into the whirlpool of life, eyes closed, breath held in anticipation — that’s what courage in action looks like. It’s the climactic moment when we bid farewell to our comfort zones and leap into the unknown. It’s the story of the most transformative, empoweri...

Why Decision-Making Is So Hard for So Many

It’s my experience that most people struggle to make decisions, on matters small and large. Why they agonize is obvious, but most people don’t realize it. Understanding the underlying dynamic will help any of you who struggle on this front. First, let’s talk about what I mean by...

2 Questions That Help Answer (Almost ) Every Money decision

Most people don’t have a clue how wealthy they really are. Your net worth or total wealth = assets — liabilities. So, most people add up the value of all their financial assets like stocks, cash, bonds, and real estate and subtract the total value of all their debts to determine ho...

Courage in Action: The Life-Changing Impact of Bold Decision-Making

Diving headfirst into the whirlpool of life, eyes closed, breath held in anticipation — that’s what courage in action looks like. It’s the climactic moment when we bid farewell to our comfort zones and leap into the unknown. It’s the story of the most transformative, empoweri...

A Simple Approach to Good (Ethical) Decision-Making

When I was about ten years old, I decided to run away from home. Then I ran (unexpectedly) into an ethical issue. I can’t remember exactly why I wanted to run away (as my life wasn’t exactly bad) but I do remember that I strolled out of the house carrying nothing but a penknife. I was...

6 Lessons I learned while implementing technical RFCs as a decision making tool

As an engineering leader, I value trust and believe that individual contributors should be involved in architectural and high level technical decision making. I consider every line of code to be a decision made on behalf of someone else (including your future self) and having a fast-growing distribu...

Building a Decision Maker Org Chart

LinkedIn can be super helpful in getting the names and titles of individuals in your deal, however optically building out the organizational chart from a decision making capability is critical to building not only a deal but also to having a clear picture of roadblocks that influencers can have...

#3 Hard Decision for Cato against Pompey, Principles or Winning Allies?

Before Caesar was holding the power by himself in Rome, most might know that he was part of an alliance with two other people (triumvirate, the three men coalition). The other two powerful people in the alliance were Pompey and Crassus, as many might know. Our story starts even before this triumv...

The Reasons Why Home Renovation and Luxury Builders in Sydney is a Sensible Decision

If you are living in Australia, you are aware that Australians enjoy an excellent renovation challenge. They are all real estate crazy and are always on the lookout for ways to reinvent their homes to have a new feel, look, and function. For them, it is essential to have a house that is not only a c...

Predicting Vancouver Crime with Decision Trees

Predictive policing is not a new idea. In fact, it’s one that comes with understandable controversy! Early predictive policing was partly inspired by the advanced analytics in E-commerce domains. Wal-Mart and Amazon were early adopters of using user statistics to anticipate emerging trends, an...

Why Choosing Not to Have Children is a Noble Decision

Only fifty years ago, the planet looked very different from today. Why, you may ask? Because fifty years ago, there were about 3.5 billion people on Planet Earth. Now there are over 8 billion. Eight billion is far, far, far too many. Folks, we have more than doubled our numbers since the early...

The Day Slavery was Justified in America | The Dred Scott Decision

It was a decision that not only upheld the legality of slavery but also declared that black people were property. In his opinion, Supreme Court Justice, Taney declared that Scott had no legal right to sue in federal court because he was not a citizen of the United States. Taney went ...

Regenerative Decision-making Process

In this article, I’m going to show you a regenerative decision-making process through which people persuade themselves to exponentially adopt regenerative options because they want the performance benefits, economic benefits and regeneration benefits delivered by regenerati...

Boosting Productivity and Beating Burnout with “The Decision Diet”

We’ve all been there — by midday, our mental energy wanes, and making even simple decisions feels like scaling a mountain. Decision fatigue can impact our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being, especially for those grappling with burnout. In an analysis by the National In...

Entropy: How Decision Trees Make Decisions

You’re a Data Scientist in training. You’ve come a long way from writing your first line of Python or R code. You know your way around Scikit-Learn like the back of your hand. You spend more time on Kaggle than Facebook now. You’re no stranger to building awesome random forests and...