Tag: career

Importance of choosing the right Data career!

As the world becomes more data-driven, many students/freshers are looking to enter the field of data and are confused about which career path to choose. The most popular options include Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Science, and Software Engineering. While all of these roles are related t...

The Gen Z Approach to Career Building

Okay, let’s cut to the chase. The world has changed, my friends. Gone are the days when you’d stick to a job for 30 years and then retire with a gold watch. That’s like, so 20th century. Today’s Gen Z is shaking things up. This new generation — born somewhere between th...

Finding Happiness at Work: Insights for a Fulfilling Career

Did you know that happiness at work is not just about having the latest gadgets or the coolest job title? Deepak Chopra says it’s all about what’s inside us, not what’s outside. And studies back him up! Happiness is not something you can buy like a new toy. We value experiences ...

5 minute leadership lessons that will transform your career

Is it worth taking a few days away from work for a leadership course? If now’s not the right time because things are too busy, there’s no one to replace you, or you aren’t convinced on the value, read on. I did a two-day course on Effective Leadership at the McGill Exe...

BORN TO DO IT: Career Match Maker

Take a look into the “Earth instructions” of Executive Recruiter Arn Terry who’s on a mission to connect the leaders of the future with the right opportunity: one job role at a time! In the words of Arn, success has many interpretations, but there’s one sign you’re o...

How My Mentor Helped My Career

Imet the man who would become my mentor for the first time in September of 2014. It was truly one of the most impactful pivot moments of my life. Consider that, until that time, I had never had a true long-lasting, heavily-invested mentor to help me navigate my career. While I like t...

Being Camera-On in Virtual Meetings Is Essential For Your Career Prospects

Whether we’re working in startups, SMBs or enterprises, we have to connect and collaborate to solve problems together. Thanks to the pandemic, most of this is happening on virtual platforms, and workplace collaboration is changing as we speak. But people aren’t bringing their faces ...

Cloud Architect vs. Cloud Engineer: Choosing the Right Career Path

Two distinct yet interconnected roles have emerged as prominent career choices in the cloud computing space: Cloud Architect and Cloud Engineer. These roles are the backbone of modern IT infrastructure and are in high demand, offering excellent career prospects. But how do you decide between them? ...

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone for Football Career

Being a football player requires not only talent and hard work but also the willingness to try new things that have never been done before to achieve a broader career path. This motivation is what drives two young national team players, Barnabas and Helsya, to step out of their comfort zones by l...

Same Building, Different Team: My Career Evolution Over Three Years

This month, our Japan team embarked on an exciting journey as we moved to a bigger office space. It was a move that had been planned since last year, and it became a reality due to our local team growing to over 30 people. In the big city of Tokyo, where there are tens of thousands of office b...

You Have to Take Ownership of Your Writing Career

The thing that stops writers from succeeding is that they get frustrated and quit. It’s not a lack of talent. I believe that talent is nothing more than a consequence of persistence. It’s not a lack of opportunity, there’s always time to write. Even if you only have one second to s...

Career Discernment & Workplace Self-Advocacy for Autistics

Welcome back to Autistic Advice, a recurring series where I respond to questions about neurodiversity, accessibility, disability justice, and self-advocacy from my perspective as an Autistic psychologist. You can send me questions or suggest future entries in the series via my Tumblr ask b...

Your Name vs. Your Career

Inthis article I will delve into a significant impact of names on career opportunities, particularly for immigrants with non-Western names and minority groups in North America. As an immigrant myself living in the USA, I understand how a name, often a reflection of cultural identity and parental cho...

Does Being Overweight Affect Career Progression?

Weight is something rarely discussed in the modern world of work but is there a detrimental affect on our careers to being overweight? The human experience is filled with bias and discrimination both conscious and subconscious which can unknowingly influence our decisions and views of others. Fir...

Breaking the trance: how I escaped IDEO’s biased career labyrinth

The best metaphor to describe my experience at IDEO is a labyrinth. Similar to Sarah in Jim Henson’s 1986 film, Labyrinth, I was made to navigate a confusing and ever-changing set of unpredictable obstacles created by a patriarchal system in order to attain my goal. My white, male colleag...

Career paths for ageing Software Developers

Jason Gorman wrote a great blog post that was inspired by Kent Beck’s post about ageism in software development. I would like to expand on their thoughts and add my own perspective. When software developers reach a certain age, usually somewhere between 40 and 50, their ...

My Career in Cybersecurity: Finding My Way as a Woman

I grew up in a country where women had a very well-defined role. We were expected to be good wives, mothers, and daughters. We were expected to mind the house, keep it clean and cook for our families. There was no expectation or support for a woman to have a career, or be well educated and achieve f...

Career Breakers: Finding my way back into a Tech career after 20 years

I was in my early teens when I first started to code and I coded pretty much for the next 10 years until my graduation and I loved it. I was a high achiever, goal-orientated and a logical thinker and loved the problem-solving nature of software development. I began my career as a Java developer fulf...

DZ vs. AZ License: How to Choose the Right License for Your Trucking Career in Canada

So, you’re thinking about the exciting journey to become a truck driver in Canada? Fantastic! But before you hit the open road, you’ll need to choose the right commercial driver’s license (CDL) for your desired career path. When it comes to Canadian trucking, two big contenders ...

**Education and Career Opportunities in 1st-Tier Countries**

Are you dreaming of studying and working in a 1st-tier country? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are attracted to the high quality of life, strong economies, and world-class universities that these countries offer. But with so many options to choose from, it can be tough to know where to s...

Results From Trying Career Coaching for the First Time

If you’ve never tried career coaching before, it’s hard to know what to expect. And when you don’t know what to expect, it can feel scary to give career coaching a try. I get that! My name is Crystal Lee and I’ve been a career coach for over 10 years. I often hear peopl...

Tech career landscape in HealthTech vs BioTech vs Pure Tech with Examples

This article is part of a series of articles revolving around tech roles related to software engineering, data science, and machine learning in Healthcare based on my personal work/interview experience, research, and by having dozens of coffee chats with veterans in this industry over past the past ...

Is Bioinformatics A Good Career? (Guide)

Bioinformatics professionals are in high demand due to the explosion of biological data and the need to analyze and interpret this data effectively. From pharmaceutical companies to research institutions, there is a constant need for experts who can analyze complex biological data to support drug di...

Career Insights: Ophthalmology

Ophthalmologists are responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases of the eye. They do routine examinations on patients, prescribe medications, perform surgery on the eye, and carry out pre and post-operative care for patients, among other things. Some of the most common everyday procedures that ...

UX Research as a Viable Career Option for Anthropologists: Insights from 12 UX Researchers with Anthropology Backgrounds

This article presents the field of user experience (UX) research as a viable, potentially lesser-known career option for new anthropology graduates, especially those with a socio-cultural focus. For this article, 12 UX Researchers with a background in anthropology were interviewed over a period of t...

Career opportunities for deserving candidates at a designing institute in Delhi

Similar to the rest of the world, in India too, the term “fashion” appeals to the young and the old alike and the followers of the latest trends in fashion are not confined to any particular age group. Since time immemorial fashion had been influencing the lives of millions in India too,...