My Career in Cybersecurity: Finding My Way as a Woman

<p>I grew up in a country where women had a very well-defined role. We were expected to be good wives, mothers, and daughters. We were expected to mind the house, keep it clean and cook for our families. There was no expectation or support for a woman to have a career, or be well educated and achieve financial independence.</p> <p>When I was younger, I had a drive to understand the &ldquo;how&rdquo; and &ldquo;what&rdquo; of everything. I looked at people, and I thought to myself, &ldquo;What makes them who they are? How did experience shape what they say?&rdquo; When I experienced technology, like radios, computers or television, I thought &ldquo;how?&rdquo; I wanted to know how radio signals were received, how a television turned light into pixelated shapes and how communication across telephones lines could connect me to the four corners of the earth. I believe to this day that this curiosity was the advent of my Engineer spirit.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>