Tag: Bullshit

Woo-Woo Crystals Are Hippy Voodoo Bullshit

When you deep clean your house — do you strap sage, apophyllite, kyanite, and unobtainium to a Roomba? Did you try to charge your Tesla with moonlight? Do you realign your chakras with uranium ore? If you answered yes to any of the above, you might be under the influence of crystals (or, cr...

Dump the Bullshit of Positive-Vibes-Only

The image above is a screenshot today of a wildfire smoke forecast website based in Canada. The colours correspond to the thickness and particulate matter in the smoke. Numbers refer to the amount of forest fires burning. We live between #43 and #83 near the centre of the map image. A large propo...

Enough with the #MeToo Bullshit

I’ve kept silent over the scalp fest that is the #MeToo debacle for a good bit of time. One reason is I get my perspective will largely be ignored by a good swath of people who will say “Oh, look at the cishet white male shitlord” and move on. We’re in a society where your pa...

Addressing the Pro-Gun Bullshit

If you’ve ever been inside an elementary school building, you will realize right away that at any given moment there are dozens of kids outside at recess. After Newtown in 2014, many schools implemented locked door policies. The school where I taught was one of them. As I walked my fifth-grade...

No One is Stealing Your Job

This horrendous political trope usually cuts across racial and ethnic lines. Typically, the persons accused are nonwhite and thereby deemed less American. Sometimes this rhetorical device is played towards a third person; one time, an old conservative white lady at an Arizona Trump rally told me tha...