Enough with the #MeToo Bullshit

<p>I&rsquo;ve kept silent over the scalp fest that is the #MeToo debacle for a good bit of time. One reason is I get my perspective will largely be ignored by a good swath of people who will say &ldquo;Oh, look at the cishet white male shitlord&rdquo; and move on. We&rsquo;re in a society where your patents of oppression* matter more than rational thought.</p> <p>Another reason I&rsquo;ve kept quiet is the people who&rsquo;ve screamed the loudest simply couldn&rsquo;t be bothered to know better. It&rsquo;s far easier for those in the media, politics, or the corporate world to put feelings before actual rational thought.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@clsesq/enough-with-the-metoo-bullshit-90cd56c8e5d0"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bullshit