Enough with the #MeToo Bullshit
<p>I’ve kept silent over the scalp fest that is the #MeToo debacle for a good bit of time. One reason is I get my perspective will largely be ignored by a good swath of people who will say “Oh, look at the cishet white male shitlord” and move on. We’re in a society where your patents of oppression* matter more than rational thought.</p>
<p>Another reason I’ve kept quiet is the people who’ve screamed the loudest simply couldn’t be bothered to know better. It’s far easier for those in the media, politics, or the corporate world to put feelings before actual rational thought.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@clsesq/enough-with-the-metoo-bullshit-90cd56c8e5d0"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>