Tag: Buddhism

Gay is OK with Buddhism

My intention in writing this piece is not to try to convert but rather to share what I have come to understand of the practice of Buddhism as it applies to me. It has helped me to grow and become a better person, more in touch with myself in relation to others and to life. Also, these lessons hel...

Immersed in the Trail of Celibacy: A Journey toward Inner Purity and Balance in Buddhism

Despite being at the beginning of my journey into Buddhism and not having committed to a life as a monk or being very active in traditional Buddhist practices, I have recognized the importance of purity in my daily existence. A topic that is often discussed and attributed significant weight in Buddh...

Sufism and Buddhism — In the Western mental health {mind}

Now, I beg to ask why hasn’t Sufism been so welcomed in the West when compared to Buddhism. There are a variety of reasons as to why that may be the case. But before we go there, I must say that it might be hard for you to figure out what exactly I’m trying to imply here. Am I asking why...

Euthanasia, Buddhism, and Medicine

As a Buddhist facing the hard decision of euthanizing my pet of 18 years, there was more than the usual significant angst due to not only our human emotions and attachments, but also because of the precepts of not harming and not killing, as right action. But as a physician, I also knew the symptoms...

Hinduism and Buddhism: 18 Similarities and Differences

Hinduism and Buddhism are often hailed to be two of the oldest religions of the world. While Hinduism comes from Sanatana Dharma, many believe that Buddhism is nothing but a branch of Hinduism. However, it is necessary to determine that these are two different branches with various similarities and ...

The 8 Best Books on Buddhism You Need To Read in 2023

My ancestors from Japan brought their Buddhist beliefs and practices to California in the 1800s. As a fourth-generation Japanese American, those traditions have now been passed down to me. But I have also come to see them as more than just distant inheritances from my great-grandparents. The Budd...

Stoicism & Buddhism

I’ve been thinking about the relationship between Buddhism and Stoicism lately. Top of mind are recent conversations I had with Greg Lopez on Mindfulness and with Noah Rasheta, the author of No Nonsense Buddhism. There are differences with Buddhism of course. But Stoicis...

Acceptance or Change: Stoicism Versus Nichiren Buddhism

Over the last few months, I’ve spent countless hours learning about the main tenets of the popular Stoic philosophy. While the principles sounded powerful to my ears, their practical application in modern-day life seemed like a stretch. As a follower of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, ...

A Paradox: Anatman and Rebirth in Buddhism

Death in itself is an uncomfortable topic and the certainty of it is often expelled to the lesser parts of our minds and forgotten. The conscious mind often battles amongst itself as to the fate that waits in store for a lost and repented soul, or instead the veracity in rebirth. The fear of death i...

Buddhism versus Logotherapy: To Focus on Yourself or to Lose Your Self?

I don’t feel that Buddhism rejects a sense of purpose in life, it offers its own unique perspective on purpose; the freeing of oneself from the cycle of samsara, and asks you to remain objective in your pursuit of meaning. I also don’t feel that logotherapy rejects detachment, one is ...

How Buddhism Shaped the Thai Language and Mentality

Today, I’d like to discuss the Thai language, mentality, and how Buddhism shaped them. There are a few English books about Thailand, but they are not really about Thai culture. Around ten years ago, before moving to Thailand, I read “Private Dancer” and “Thailand Fever.&rd...

The Law of Detachment: What Does Buddhism Teach Us?

At first glance, it may seem a trifle or an insubstantial change, but in reality, it is a colossal transformation in our way of understanding the world and in our way of living. The very moment we give up our interest in the result, we detach ourselves from desire, which we often confuse with nee...

Love, attachment, and desire in Buddhism

Attachment is all about me and what I can get from you, and love is all about what I can give or do for you. There are three kinds or levels of love, affectionate love, cherishing love, and wishing love. Briefly, affectionate loveis just liking people, having a warm, fuzzy feeling, the way...

4 Lessons That Zen Buddhism Can Teach Us About Addressing The Climate Crisis

During my vacations in southern Chile, I spent five days on a meditation retreat. As I settled into the peaceful surroundings, I couldn’t help but think and write about the wildfires ravaging the country, a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the climate crisis. However, the retrea...

Secular Humanist Buddhism

Secular Buddhism follows the rules laid out by reason and human experience, avoiding the influence of supernatural or religious ideas. This all-encompassing philosophy illuminates human values by encouraging adherence to moral principles without dogma or ceremony. So basically, it’s a sec...

The Two most Famous Buddhist Verses in Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism, also known as Chan Buddhism, is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China. It is characterized by its emphasis on direct experience and meditation as a means to attain enlightenment. Zen Buddhism places great importance on the concept of “awakening” or &ldqu...