How Buddhism Shaped the Thai Language and Mentality

<p>Today, I&rsquo;d like to discuss the Thai language, mentality, and how Buddhism shaped them. There are a few English books about Thailand, but they are not really about Thai culture.</p> <p>Around ten years ago, before moving to Thailand, I read &ldquo;Private Dancer&rdquo; and &ldquo;Thailand Fever.&rdquo; However, they&rsquo;re all about prostitution &mdash; for those readers who choose to bind their fate to extra easy-going girls.</p> <p>Despite the dodgy plot of the books, I found invaluable insights in them. I&rsquo;m serious! I learned from them that Thais like to use allegorical language and prefer to say something important through intermediaries, usually people they know well. It helped me a lot in the very beginning.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>