Euthanasia, Buddhism, and Medicine

<p>As a Buddhist facing the hard decision of euthanizing my pet of 18 years, there was more than the usual significant angst due to not only our human emotions and attachments, but also because of the precepts of not harming and not killing, as right action. But as a physician, I also knew the symptoms being experienced by my canine companion were related to pain &mdash; the hyperventilation, the pacing, the difficulty with her weak hind legs that resulted in constant falls and made it hard to arise. And when she had two seizures and I had to improvise her pain medication to start treating that new symptom, it was clear that the failing organ systems were accumulating. The result was she was confused, weak, and I knew we were only holding on by dint of the pharmaceuticals we could administer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>