Secular Humanist Buddhism

<p>S<strong>ecular Buddhism follows the rules laid out by reason and human experience, avoiding the influence of supernatural or religious ideas. This all-encompassing philosophy illuminates human values by encouraging adherence to moral principles without dogma or ceremony.</strong>&nbsp;So basically, it&rsquo;s a secular paradigm that promotes scientific inquiry, empathy training, and critical thinking as socially desirable traits.&nbsp;<strong>Throughout the balance of my article, I will refer to Secular Buddhism with the initials SB</strong></p> <p>On the other hand,&nbsp;<strong>SB</strong>&nbsp;developed as a response to traditional Buddhist teachings that separated itself from supernatural aspects and emphasized ethical and contemplative elements. Mindfulness, meditation, and the Four Noble Truths are essential tenets; however, they do not adhere strictly to some classical Buddhist views&#39; cosmic or divine aspects.&nbsp;<strong>To make Buddhist ideas more applicable and approachable to individual and community well-being, SB&rsquo;s seek to harmonize them with a more rational and nonreligious framework.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>