Tag: Born

You Were Born to Be Special

No matter how old we are today, we all have a childhood to look back on. This ToT (This or That) childhood challenge focuses on your life between one month and twelve years. Help us learn more about you. Copy and paste these questions into a new story and choose one choice. Try not to cho...

Are people born leaders? True or False!

It is often said that people are born leaders, is that true? But, What is a leader? A leader is someone who can be the change they want to see in their organisation. In the modern world, a leader isn’t necessarily the CEO of an organisation Leaders are usually characterised as peo...

5 Points on The Brutal Truth of “We Are Not Born Equal”

“Yes, we are not born equal! And yes, this world is unfair because we are not born into a perfect world.” I don’t have to walk the miles to prove the above statement. Just take a look around, and you’ll realize that we are still fighting for our rights to equality. Mayb...

The Irish Citizen Army: A Workers’ Army is Born

The Irish Citizen Army was founded amidst the greatest labour dispute in the history of Ireland and it went on to play a central role in the 1916 Rising. Stewart Reddin looks at the circumstances in which this workers’ army was born. At 10.00am on Tuesday 26th August 1913 tram drivers,...

Born in Japan during COVID

If you are pregnant, congratulations! I hope my story will help you feel more confident and empowered in your ability deal with however the process unfolds for you. This is the story of how my beautiful little girl was born at a hospital in Tokyo. Overall, the expectation of labour and deliver...

A Star is Born — The King in the North. Page 4.

“I know it has been a while but the last few days have been nothing but divine. They say “we only die once but live every day”. Isn’t that beautiful?. This Page is dedicated to a fellow Medium who I follow and also following me. I reiterate that “death is not the end. I...

How are native born on Chaturthi Tithi?

Native born in Chaturthi Tithi or Chathurthi Tithi or CHATHURTHY THIDHI, your contradictory nature is evident. You have a talent for argument and discussion. They are very close to their mothers. They like to live up to their commitments. They are good at finding solutions&n...

Signs You Were Born Awakened and Aware

Some of us spend our lifetimes trying to realize that we are born spiritually awakened. Stumbling through life , getting caught up in the matrix; unaware of all the potential that’s within. While there are others like me who were never really asleep. Those born awakened carry subconsci...

Signs You Were Born Awakened and Aware

Some of us spend our lifetimes trying to realize that we are born spiritually awakened. Stumbling through life , getting caught up in the matrix; unaware of all the potential that’s within. While there are others like me who were never really asleep. Those born awakened carry subconsci...

Born or Built? — THE CONCEPT OF AI — 2

“AI can’t write human-like emotions-based essays”, “There’ll never be a time when AI will be indistinguishable from Human Intelligence”, “When you see something generated by #AI, you will always know”. I’ve seen, heard, and read several commen...