5 Points on The Brutal Truth of “We Are Not Born Equal”

<p>&ldquo;Yes, we are not born equal! And yes, this world is unfair because we are not born into a perfect world.&rdquo;</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t have to walk the miles to prove the above statement. Just take a look around, and you&rsquo;ll realize that we are still fighting for our rights to equality.</p> <p>Maybe we are all equal because we are all born, but from the moment we are delivered, the treatment we get is unequal.</p> <h1>The Risk of Being Born!</h1> <p>Life is full of risks, and the first risk anyone could take is to be born into this world, but when you have a baby who&rsquo;s born to a billionaire, while on the other hand, another is born into a criminal household, then that&rsquo;s clear evidence that we are not born equal.<br /> I&rsquo;m not saying that the billionaire child is necessarily destined for a better life, but who&rsquo;s there to say that the child rose in a criminal household will not be raised to be a stronger individual!<br /> Let&rsquo;s take another similar example of a girl who&rsquo;s born in a country like Sweden and compare her to one who&rsquo;s born in Bangladesh for instance. Right from the get-go, the Swedish girl will have higher chances of enjoying a premium quality of life, while the latter, has a higher chance of becoming a victim of human trafficking!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@azizomer.elawad/5-points-on-the-brutal-truth-of-we-are-not-born-equal-31ef69d48db3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Born Equal