Signs You Were Born Awakened and Aware

<p>Some of us spend our lifetimes trying to realize that we are born spiritually awakened. Stumbling through life&nbsp;, getting caught up in the matrix; unaware of all the potential that&rsquo;s within. While there are others like me who were never really asleep.</p> <p>Those born awakened carry subconscious knowledge that they&rsquo;ve been carrying for lifetimes. Often they show signs of rebellion against societal norms&nbsp;; rejecting anything that feels morally wrong&nbsp;. If it doesn&rsquo;t resonate then it&rsquo;s not given a second thought. There is heightened intuition and signs of spiritual gifts at a young age and a way of knowing without being aware that you know. I like to say that we are guided by our higher selves until we realize that we are already awake. We may not have been fully enlightened but we do have a jumpstart on the road to spiritual fulfillment early in life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Born Awakeneds