Tag: BioTech

BioTech Institute barely exists without these patents

If you were a teenager who smoked marijuana in the 1990s, you probably heard the same urban legend as I did. Man, Marlboro is just waiting for weed legalization. The tobacco fields are ready for repurposing; When they start selling weed, they’ll even use their green menthol pack. A man whose c...

Revolutionizing Biotech: Predict, Modify, Harness Now

The 2020s are shaping up to be an extraordinary decade for biotechnology, a sector poised for transformation into an engineering discipline from what was once solely a scientific endeavor. As we acknowledge the remarkable potential in this field, experts Joshua March and Kasia Gora of SCiFi Foods pr...

Biotech Idea of the Day: aTyr Pharma

Good investment opportunities are often stocks that have a surface-level bear case that make people pass them over for deep diligence. Even when this bear case is proven wrong the stock takes a while to react positively because no one is watching. Market dynamics can also create price inefficiencies...

These Companies are Changing Biotech & Biopharma with AI in 2024

This Hong Kong-based company used its AI platform, Pharma.AI, to design a novel drug candidate for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in 18 months. The candidate, ISM001, has shown promising results in preclinical studies and is now entering Phase I clinical trials. This is a timeline previously un...

The Struggle for Capital: Navigating the Funding Challenges of Early-Stage Biotech Companies

Early-stage biotech ventures encounter a multitude of challenges as they endeavor to secure the funding essential for their growth and development. The inherently high-risk nature of biotech research, coupled with the lengthy timelines required for regulatory approval and commercialization, can dete...

Deep Dive into Biotech Messaging: Enhancing Engagement and Trust

Let’s continue our exploration into biotech and life sciences communication. The second part offers nuanced strategies to enhance your startup’s messaging. Jargon, social proof, colors — each element can play a pivotal role. Each can assist in reaching and resonating with your audi...

Reasons behind the recent mass layoffs in biotech

Over 115 biotechnology companies have announced job cuts this year, which is likely to surpass the number from last year. This trend of layoffs is not new, but it’s concerning because it suggests tougher times ahead for the pharmaceutical industry, which is already going through significant ch...

How to Learn Biotech

Sign up for the free Endpoints newsletter (~15 short articles by email Mon-Fri at ~11am EST) and the corollary Early Edition (top headlines ~6am EST). Timmerman Report has paywalled articles for $169/year. His podcast The Long Run has free and unique hour-long interviews ...

The digital biotech startup playbook

In the past decade a small handful of “digital biotech” companies have drawn on ideas, technology, and talent from the software industry to build valuable data platforms for accelerating drug development. While most biotech founders say they want data and ML to be a pillar of their strat...

Decoding the Genome: Data Insights in Biotech

In the intricate dance of life, where the symphony of genes orchestrates the melodies of existence, a revolutionary partnership has emerged — the fusion of data and biotechnology. On a captivating journey, we delve into the heart of this collaboration, unraveling the secrets encoded within our...

Biotech stocks 2024 outlook

There have been many biotech breakthroughs over the past decade. Next come the regulatory approvals and the moneymaking products. One that caught my eye… The first-ever gene-editing (CRISPR) therapy was just approved in the US and the UK. CRISPR works like DNA scissors. It allows s...

The Chief of Staff Role in the Biotech Industry

Despite being a nebulous and somewhat new role in the startup world, the Chief of Staff role is starting to be recognized and opined upon in a patently tech-forward Medium/Substack type of way — and even in the Harvard Business Review. My experience as Chief of Staff (CoS) to the Presi...

Seattle Biotech Hub Advances “DNA Typewriter” Tech with $75M Investment (Video)

In a groundbreaking move poised to reshape the landscape of biological research, a Seattle-based biotech organization is set to receive a substantial $75 million injection of funding. This financial backing will fuel pioneering research into “DNA typewriters,” a revolutionary concept inv...

The Path to Becoming a Biotech Writer

Many industries experience growth and advancement regularly. Therefore, they continuously seek the services of capable professionals to share their journey and the solutions they create with their target audience. It’s the same in biotechnology industries. Being a biotech writer means shari...

How to get a Biotech Internship as an Undergraduate: 3 Worthwhile Tips

Getting a biotech internship is hard. It can be easy to become dejected rejection after rejection and unlike other fields *cough* CS, biotech is pretty bare when it comes to internship application resources. On top of that, existing resources are pretty generic so I thought I’d share...

A Quick Guide to Writing an Early-Stage Biotech Investment Memo

When I started at Longevity, my first task was to write an investment memo. I didn’t necessarily want to admit that I had no idea what an investment memo was, and especially no clue on how one writes such a thing. So I ran to the internet, found Sequoia’s YouTube IM, and promptly de...

The biotech startup’s guide to data and communication software

You might think you’re making new medicines, but if you’re a biotech startup, your primary deliverable over the next 5–10 years will be data. At every critical stage — from the weekly research meeting, to the CEO presenting to her board of directors, to the first IND ...

How to Learn Biotech

This is my updated 2022 roundup of top resources in biotech, ruthlessly refined down to key sources from the comprehensive 2019 original. This list excludes many great ways to learn: conferences, scientific degrees, textbooks, talking with people or working in the sector. However, they’re t...

Why Trading Biotech and Pharma Stocks is a Mistake!

Hedge Funds and Investment Banks have literal teams of PhD Biochemists as Research Analysts and Portfolio Managers that have studied chemical compounds for years (trust me I know some of these individuals — you do NOT want to compete with them in a zero sum game that is the Stock Market). P...

Life science, Healthcare, Pharma, and Biotech inter-relations

What is Life Science? A broad field of biology-based science that studies all living organisms, from the smallest viruses to the largest whales. Life scientists study the structure, function, and evolution of living organisms, and the interactions between organisms and the environment. Exa...