Biotech stocks 2024 outlook

<p>There have been many biotech breakthroughs over the past decade. Next come the regulatory approvals and the moneymaking products. One that caught my eye&hellip;</p> <p>The first-ever gene-editing (CRISPR) therapy<strong>&nbsp;</strong>was just approved in the US and the UK.</p> <p>CRISPR works like DNA scissors. It allows scientists to &ldquo;delete&rdquo; diseases from our bodies and &ldquo;insert&rdquo; healthy cells.</p> <p>Victoria Gray is the first CRISPR patient to be treated for sickle cell &mdash; an incurable disease that causes bouts of excruciating pain.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: BioTech stocks