A Quick Guide to Writing an Early-Stage Biotech Investment Memo

<p><em>When I started at Longevity, my first task was to write an investment memo. I didn&rsquo;t necessarily want to admit that I had no idea what an investment memo was, and especially no clue on how one writes such a thing. So I ran to the internet, found&nbsp;</em><a href="http://milesgrimshaw.com/sequoia-investment-memo/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Sequoia&rsquo;s YouTube IM</em></a><em>, and promptly delivered a 3-page, super-vague IM the next day. Yikes.</em></p> <p><em>I hope this outline is a helpful jumping off point for anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament! For context, we invest in seed to Series A in companies developing therapeutics for the diseases of age, so our decision to invest or not circles around the science and team &mdash; an IM for a Series B or C biotech would look very different from the below.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@celinehh/a-quick-guide-to-writing-an-early-stage-biotech-investment-memo-b47be8528b6f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stage BioTech