How to get a Biotech Internship as an Undergraduate: 3 Worthwhile Tips

<p>Getting a biotech internship is&nbsp;<em>hard</em>. It can be easy to become dejected rejection after rejection and unlike other fields *<em>cough*&nbsp;</em>CS, biotech is pretty bare when it comes to internship application resources. On top of that, existing resources are pretty generic so I thought I&rsquo;d share a few tips I have learned through experimentation and had wished someone had told me earlier.</p> <h2>1. Cater your resume for a scientist, not for a recruiter</h2> <p>This is not a general rule but most times in biotech, the primary lead of hiring interns is the&nbsp;<strong>scientist who will be potentially mentoring you</strong>&nbsp;as opposed to a recruiter or hiring manager. This means while you should be mindful that a recruiter is the initial person who looks at your resume, it is the scientist who should be catering to.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>