Tag: Bible

How the Bible Guides Me in My Business

You want to call it. It’s all the same concept. The Bible is the foundation of my business, and it guides every aspect of how I operate. First and foremost, the Bible teaches me about integrity and honesty. These qualities are essential in any business, as they build trust with customers, s...

Bible Series #6: The Good Samaritan

Many people are familiar with the story of the good Samaritan. We even call people who go out of their way to help or be kind to others good Samaritans. The story is a parable from the Bible, Luke 10:25–37, as follows, from the New International Version (NIV) Bible: On one occasion an exp...

The AI Art Bible: the First Chapter of Genesis Illustrated by Artificial Intelligence

AI-generated art offers a fascinating glimpse into machine learning, but it can also be a powerful tool for illustrating religious texts. This article showcases AI-generated Bible artwork, with a focus on images from the first chapter of Genesis. Each image is accompanied by the text prompt used by ...

How to break down a game idea into a game design bible (not doc)

I used to think that Pong would be the perfect game for a beginner game developer. Not because it turned out to be difficult, but simply because there are simpler games to create. For example, Snake is one such game. It doesn’t require a second player or “complicated” ...

Mastering the Bible-Thumb Manoeuvre

The Coronavirus raging, the George Floyd protests tsunami-ing across the US, Black Lives Matter supporters gathering in front of the White House — Washington D.C. was in the thick of it in what had already been a very thick year. With Lafayette Square pulsating full of predominantly peaceful p...

Bible Study Guide Day 339: 2 Corinthians 5–9

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul draws insightful analogies to portray our bodies. He first likened them to fragile jars of clay, and now he extends the comparison by describing them as temporary tents. Just as tents are meant to be temporary dwellings, our earthly bodies are also temporary ve...

There’s a More Effective Way Than Bible-Thumping. It’s Called Love

No one appreciates having someone aggressively push their viewpoints onto them. It’s human nature to become defensive when another person forces you into that awkward, uncomfortable situation. Trying to shove your belief system down someone else’s throat is off-putting, if not offensi...

Mr. Speaker, There’s No Such Thing as a “Bible-Believing” Christian

I am an ordained Christian minister who has served various local Christian congregations in a ministerial capacity since 1990. I am also a Professor of Religion with a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Yale University. My area of training is biblical stud...

The #1 Evangelical Bible scholar says the Bible is pro-gay

“Tim Mackie (of the Bible Project) was my Old Testament Professor at Western Seminary in Oregon in 2017. After I took that class, I was seriously concerned about his theology. He is a liberal theologian at best and a wolf at worst.” A ‘wolf’ is a Satanic figure. As faction...

Hell Doesn’t Exist in the Bible

As I’ve mentioned in other articles I grew up in the southern United States and attended many different denominations of churches. It wasn’t until I grew up and drifted away from the church that I began to study into the book that I was told was the “perfect word of god” m...

What the Hell: Finding Out “Hell” Isn’t in the Bible

In my Christian university, a professor leading a group discussion slowly raised the idea of universalism. The class jumped on him like Christians have always jumped on heretics. Everyone in the room was trying to prove why he was wrong, and I led the charge. I had all the biblical tools in my tool ...

Bible Verses to Help Save Your Marriage in Crisis

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same wa...

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? The DEFINITIVE guide

When I came out of the closet at age fourteen in West Virginia, it made my relationship with my best friend, Daniel, very uneasy. Daniel was an Evangelical, and on more than one occasion he lectured me on how the Bible condemns homosexuality. To truly be a Christian, he said, the Bible said I couldn...

Doubting the Bible: A Coming Out Story

While I’ve “come out” in various ways in my life, the “coming out” I’ve dreaded most is revealing that I don’t believe in the Bible. I grew up in an evangelical church and my extended bio-family identify mostly as “stone-cold believers.” Heck,...

It’s weird but Christian-X is figthing about reading the Bible…

On one side, of course, there are reasonable and right people who say, “I’m not telling you that you have to do this, but I’ve done it and enjoyed it and benefited much by doing it. Give it a go! Then there are the theologians. The loudest are mostly guys with neat haircuts who ...

Bible Translators Gone Wild: Adding Words and Twisting Meanings

When Dad first learned Portuguese, he made some hilarious mistakes. One was when he wanted to buy a kilo of nails for a project. Not knowing the word for “nails,” he looked it up in the dictionary and chose the first word he came to. Armed with this knowledge, he went to the store and...

6 Disturbing Bible Passages that Will Make You Cringe

Many people want to proof-text these passages to show that the Bible is bad or wrong. But they are usually reading their beliefs about the Bible into these stories. True, these stories are awful. These are disturbing Bible passages. But, the passages do not support or glorify the terrible ...

Atonement for Sin in the Hebrew Bible

Rabbinic Jews and Christians agree the sacrificial system of the Tanakh (for Christians, the Old Testament) is currently obsolete. However, they differ on what replaced it. Did blood sacrifice atone for unintentional sins only? Are prayer and repentance sufficient for God’s forgiveness? Or ...

Elohim: the “polytheistic” origins of God in the Bible

When it comes to the origins of Judaism, I was used to hold to the theory that it evolved from the worship of a generic storm god called Yahweh, that eventually became such a central and exclusive deity he was acclaimed to be the creator of all things and, so holy, that even portraying his face or s...

For the Bible Tells Me So: Justifying Gender Discrimination Based on Biblical Text

Political conservatives often claim to base their value system on Christianity and biblically sound doctrine. This was remarkably clear when Jeff Sessions casually referenced scripture to support obeying the law “of the land” (Romans 13:1–5) in support of the zero toleran...

The #1 Evangelical Bible scholar says the Bible is pro-gay

Early on, he set about trying to teach the Bible to a community he knew: young skateboarders. He went to an Evangelical seminary, and became a pastor. But then he made the unusual decision to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he got a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies....

Bible Verses That Got Me Through Law School

As a recent law school graduate who has yet to start her job, I have spent my time since taking the Bar reflecting on law school and taking stock of where I am in life. I would be lying if I were to say law school was a happy time for me. My first year was spent mostly alone, 4+ hours a day on Zoom ...

Mr. Speaker, There’s No Such Thing as a “Bible-Believing” Christian

I am an ordained Christian minister who has served various local Christian congregations in a ministerial capacity since 1990. I am also a Professor of Religion with a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Yale University. My area of training is biblical stud...

White Supremacy and The American Patriot’s Bible

Someone in our book club, a religion professor, ordered the book to see what it contains and to use examples from it in courses. In his office one day, I pulled it down from the shelf and started looking through it. This is no commentary on scriptures. Rather, there are entries that highlight histor...

Bible Under Construction

I’ve never had a scroll, and I doubt I ever will. But when I close my eyes and picture study in the Kingdom, everyone has a scroll. Luke 4:6–20 is one of those passages I experience visually. I’m right there as Jesus steps to the bimah in the synagogue, takes the sc...

What Does it Take to Make It into the Bible?

Talk to average Joe Christian about the history of the Bible, and you’ll hear at least two myths: As soon as John put the period after “Amen” (Revelation 22:24), the angels gathered up the scrolls and delivered them to a monastery somewhere to be bound and distributed. Or, it...

Which Bible Version Should I Use?

Been shopping for a Bible lately? Been a bit overwhelmed? Type “bible” into the Amazon search bar and you’ll get 70,000 hits. That, of course, includes titles such as The Backyard Chicken Keeper’s Bible and The Motorcycle Suspension Bible, but if you narrow ...

Tips in My Fashion Bible

For as long as I can remember, I have always strived to be involved in fashion. At the age of 6, I started a fashion club for the girls in my kindergarten class where I would choose and assign a color or pattern of the day. Fast forward to today, I am attending college, studying Fashion Merchandi...

Can a new language be learnt with a Bible and a Dictionary?

In the field of second language acquisition, there is a theory that has been developed by the very popular academic Stephen Krashen. His theory is that skill in a language is generally determined by the amount of comprehensible input taken in by a student. For instance, somebody who has successfully...