What the Hell: Finding Out “Hell” Isn’t in the Bible

<p>In my Christian university, a professor leading a group discussion slowly raised the idea of universalism. The class jumped on him like Christians have always jumped on heretics. Everyone in the room was trying to prove why he was wrong, and I led the charge. I had all the biblical tools in my tool belt. I fired passage after passage at him, asking how he could possibly deny eternal punishment in hell. What about Matthew 16? Matthew 25? Revelation 20? He didn&rsquo;t give me direct answers, but also didn&rsquo;t seem fazed. I threw out the implications too &mdash; without a hell, what is salvation? What is the point of a Christian&rsquo;s life if not to make converts? Why did Jesus have to die? He kept giving responses that didn&rsquo;t make sense to any of us, and the room grew more and more heated.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/christianish/what-the-hell-finding-out-hell-isnt-in-the-bible-7028acb3ecee"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hell Bible