Tag: Beliefs

Omens: Guiding Ancient Rome’s Decisions and Beliefs

InAncient Roman culture, omens held a place of paramount importance, guiding decisions both big and small. Romans believed that gods communicated through signs in nature, dreams, and various other forms. This deep-seated belief in omens influenced every aspect of Roman life, from the battlefield to ...

All My Life, I Was Influenced By Conditioned Beliefs

As a retired worker with experience in various fields such as farming, plant operation, mechanics, and welding, I have always harboured a long-standing desire to write my own stories; also, it’s been a dream to own a professional camera. I used to envision strolling through the countryside, no...

When Beliefs Are A Moving Target

It drives the apologists and wannabe internet pastors nuts when we post here on Deconstructing Christianity. When we share how Christians, and especially church leadership, have wounded us, the righteous trolls sometimes embark on a crusade to tell us we’ve got it all wrong. When ...

Breaking Free from Biased Beliefs

I had been back in the US for a few short months and was already missing my Brazilian culture like an ache in my gut. It was, therefore, with great anticipation that I learned my elementary school was doing an “International day.” I hoped with all my heart that they would include some de...

The 3 Most Beautiful Beliefs I Internalized from Reading the Quran

Trust, I discovered, is the foundation of a peaceful existence. It is the unwavering belief that Allah, the Creator of everything, is always present, guiding and protecting me. This trust creates in me a sense of peace and security, allowing me to face life’s challenges with calm. Allah ...

Gun Control: Liberal vs. Conservative Beliefs

At the core of our beings, humans generally want the same things in life. Freedom, prosperity, minimal suffering, healthy children and safe communities are the goal, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. The one massive difference is the means in which we achieve these goals. Wh...

Opioids and Extremist Beliefs

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how in the world people come to believe obviously unhinged theories espoused by QANON, Fox News Hosts like Tucker Carlson, and political pundits like the late Rush Limbaugh. One day a thought struck me like lightning; could there be a correlation betw...

Why Do We Want to Kill Those Who Challenge our Beliefs or Insult Our In-Group?

Well, most of us don’t, although we often have bad thoughts about such a person. There are, however, those who react to challenges with violence. What is it that gets in the way of just talking things over? Or make a bet and having a beer while we watch our favorite teams play each other? What...

Anorexia of the Spirit — When Shame, Fear, and Starving Beliefs Feed Our Weight and Body Image Issues

One thing I am discovering lately about being an empath, a writer, and a mindset coach is my muse is amping up her game. She is throwing challenges my way to write about some deep-seated fears and obstacles I am still working on. She won’t just hand me the flowery fun stuff, she is insistin...