Opioids and Extremist Beliefs

<p>I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how in the world people come to believe obviously unhinged theories espoused by QANON, Fox News Hosts like Tucker Carlson, and political pundits like the late Rush Limbaugh. One day a thought struck me like lightning; could there be a correlation between the opioid/drug epedemic in the US and the number of people who seems to believe completely irrational ideas?</p> <p>I am no scientist nor am I a professional writer, I am busy working, but I am writing this in the hopes of generating thoughts along these lines for the professionals in media whose job it is to take an idea and research it, see where it leads.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@gregoryg1/opioids-and-extremist-beliefs-bb19268c6e12"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>