Breaking Free from Biased Beliefs

<p>I had been back in the US for a few short months and was already missing my Brazilian culture like an ache in my gut. It was, therefore, with great anticipation that I learned my elementary school was doing an &ldquo;International day.&rdquo; I hoped with all my heart that they would include some delicious tropical fruit in the fare. I wanted my skeptical fourth-grade classmates to taste what I&rsquo;d been going on about.</p> <p>The day finally came, and I scoured the table to find something I could point to and encourage my peers to try. Much to my dismay, instead of fresh pineapple, there was only the sickly sweet, limp canned variety. Instead of the crisp crunch of fresh coconut, there was only a sad mound of the grated, desiccated, headache-inducing sweet kind in a bowl.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Biased Beliefs