When Beliefs Are A Moving Target

<p>It drives the apologists and wannabe internet pastors nuts when we post here on&nbsp;<em>Deconstructing Christianity</em>.</p> <p>When we share how Christians, and especially church leadership, have wounded us, the righteous trolls sometimes embark on a crusade to tell us we&rsquo;ve got it all wrong.&nbsp;When our lifetime of studying the Bible and doctrine leads us away from traditional Christianity, these folks act like we&rsquo;re challenging them personally.</p> <p>Some are assholes about it and refute our posts with how our words don&rsquo;t line up with their source of &ldquo;truth&rdquo; (usually the KJV Bible.) Others are actually sweet and simply ask questions intended to provide them with an opening to guide us back to the &ldquo;light.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/deconstructing-christianity/when-beliefs-are-a-moving-target-6a0dc6e3f409"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beliefs